Example sentences of "from his [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Everything he did was enriched by a warm concern for other people that inspired affection from even slight acquaintances , and love from his closer colleagues .
2 What therefore is there to prevent a taxpayer from putting his shares in the name of a nominee and obtaining a deduction from his higher rate tax liability for the nominee 's expenses of management ?
3 Just before leaving Doune he had heard from his elder sister Agnes , Countess of Dunbar and March , that her peculiar husband had now entered into a treasonable arrangement with Edward of England , not only to hand over Dunbar Castle to the English but actually to strengthen it first , at the Plantagenet 's expense .
4 The choice fell on Lord Gorell , the son of an eminent judge who had inherited his title from his elder brother .
5 The medal ribbons were borrowed from his elder brother , who really had been wounded on the Somme .
6 This was partly to distinguish himself from his elder brother , ( Sir ) Arnold Lunn [ q.v. ] ,
7 Prince Aurangzeb , Shah Jehan 's third son , was a very different character from his elder brother .
8 Trying to navigate through the ‘ nightmare of childhood ’ and a confusing adult world , innocently nasty Seth ( Jeremy Cooper ) uses pulp horror as his interpretative map and becomes convinced that his grief-stricken neighbour Dolphin ( Lindsay Duncan ) is a vampire , sucking the life from his elder sailor brother ( actually suffering from atomic poisoning ) .
9 It was almost as though he was trying to erect walls around his heart to protect himself from his softer feelings .
10 Up in the ‘ Fish Tank ’ is an area set aside for the Inlay Operator , still many years away from his grander title of Electronic Effects Designer .
11 I touched a hair away from his lower lip , kissed the place where it had been , then I left him .
12 She raked his face with her nails , digging at his eyes , making him scream in renewed agony as she sheared a portion from his lower eyelid .
13 A great adventure , a fitting enterprise for one who had known herself from infancy to be set apart for some rare destiny , and one that she had thought herself to have pursued courageously , successfully , with a redeeming love that had rescued even the anguished , complex , hostile Aaron , and had saved him from his wilder flights .
14 With demand still growing rapidly , it was obvious that the lower levels of investment in electricity imposed by Gaitskell ( however necessary they might seem from his broader viewpoint ) were inadequate .
15 He was still trying to recover from his earlier slip .
16 To judge by appearances Nietzsche was a loony who went round market places declaring God to be dead and eventually was declared mad ( although from his earlier work Zarathustra the matter was never in doubt ) .
17 That Bukharin argued for balanced and proportional growth can be seen to arise from his earlier work on equilibrium theory and in his formulating an algebraic approach to the problems of analysis posed by Marx 's reproduction schemas .
18 Although Barthes retains the semiological jargon of ‘ codes ’ from his earlier work , they serve a different function in the analysis in S/Z .
19 Methodical , precise and administratively cautious , he carried over from his earlier experience as a member of the Poor Law Board a determination to subordinate medical experts to the lay administration .
20 Barth introduces seven correspondents , or rather reintroduces them since they are all figures from his earlier works , and Barth himself is projected into the fiction as an updated form of ‘ Mr. B. ’ , Pamela 's seducer in Richardson 's novel .
21 The poet who would go on in ‘ East Coker ’ to write of poetry as ‘ a raid on the inarticulate ’ now pulls back from his earlier position in his wish ‘ to avoid employing the terms Romanticism and Classicism ’ , and concludes that ‘ we are still in the Arnold period ’ .
22 He held another Council in May 1108 on the same model as the last , with a similar representation of lay magnates , but on this occasion he concentrated entirely on the administrative problems arising from his earlier decree against clerical marriage .
23 Above right : one of Koons ' most famous works from his earlier period , ‘ Rabbit ’ , 1986
24 Colonel Astor had bought The Times in 1922 specifically to keep it out of the clutches of Lloyd George , who was seeking a personal political base and had money to spend from his earlier sale of honours when Prime Minister .
25 His pictures vary in style : in his later days he showed himself capable of the common sort of conventionally flattering portrait , but , particularly from his earlier years in London , there exists a body of work demonstrating his great talent for lively detail and natural rather than conventional compositions .
26 But he seems to have withdrawn from his earlier commitment to critical theory and become increasing involved in the philosophical basis of communicative action .
27 Formerly a school , it has been converted into a country house hotel by Richard Broyd , following on from his earlier conversion of Middlethorpe Hall on the edge of York .
28 From his earlier briefing , Doyle recognised the bride and groom as Col Roberts and Pat Weaver 's daughter , Peggy .
29 He still shrank from returning to England , but for a reason quite different from his earlier fear of loss of tranquillity :
30 Havelock Wilson 's later reputation in the trade union movement as a " bosses " man " , an imperialist , an anti-democrat riding roughshod over his members ' wishes and a betrayer of the miners ' cause during the 1926 General Strike diverges strangely from his earlier image as a militant , a rabble-rouser , a fearless advocate of the seafarer , " stumping the country agitating , organising and inciting " , and as an advocate , even an originator , of the " new unionism " which shook the trade union establishment to its foundations in the late 1880s and early 1890s .
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