Example sentences of "but erm it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Right now well all I , I ex I knew that you were having meetings about it so really all , all I need you to do is actually get this validated by your group and if there were any change significant changes you wanted to make then to come back to me and David with that those suggestions but erm it struck me that th the thing hangs together quite well .
2 But erm it turns out that 's what they were .
3 My er my sister worked in the grenade shop and erm after she ca she 'd been working at , on the manor , do you know the manor at Willenhall and then er she decided to go on with the war work and she was courting the man named , John and his father was the timekeeper , later H & T Hornes , but erm it fizzled out and anyway the romance did but erm
4 but erm it had sorted itself out after , well more or less after a week or two a lot of the evacuees of course did n't stay very long , they went back home because erm I know mother had a , a little boy from erm Guildford when we lived at Debenham and er he went back after a while , the mother used to come down and visit him from time to time , they were very , came from very poor circumstances and the
5 But erm it does n't really matter .
6 Erm , we would n't want the policy to progress so far erm as to get to the stage of looking for a specific site and for us to pull the rug underneath the County , and for other authorities to pull the rug from underneath the County at that stage , erm to answer to Mr Heselton 's specific question , of course we would n't object to a new settlement er in Selby , but erm it does n't erm it does n't detract from our objection to erm the principle of the policy , the way the policy 's expressed .
7 I do not speak of the substance of the matter because so many of us have some doubts about the substance of it and we shall come to that later , but erm it does seem to me that er we had to get rid of erm sections two , two A and three of the Police Act nineteen sixty four as amended and that clearly doing so here and erm er er I I think that this is an improvement as a result on the laws that er present appears on the Statute Book .
8 But erm it landed on deaf ears .
9 But erm it wants the roots clearing
10 Yes , yes , but erm it means that whatever part of the tourist industry anybody 's in erm now is the opportunity to benefit from erm the British Tourist Board 's initiative and promote their own individual business erm featuring them in this erm massive advertising campaign , erm incorporating all the media , erm and benefit .
11 Oh yes they did for , for the increase in traffic I mean that er that er went on over the years gradually creep , creep , creep on until the whole atmosphere of the place was er I do n't know improved should you say or not I do n't know whether it 's er well it certainly has n't improved but erm it changed , it was such a lovely little place really , and of course you could run across the road whenever you liked I mean we used to play in Street of picking out in a sweet shop window er a name be Cadbury 's or chocolate or something you 'd be standing across the road and you 'd be running backwards and forwards backwards and forwards , there was no sign of anyone getting run over cos there was nothing about , and when I was a kid going to the Bluecoat School I 'd run across that bridge every morning without looking right or left , because if anything had hit me , well nothing used to be coming you could see a tram coming but oh there was nothing else at that time in the morning oh no it was , would n't like to run across today .
12 We 've got erm yes we 've got quite a lot of land stock interest we might have accrued er and have n't , erm thirty million pounds in fact , but erm it has n't been accrued because in our view it 's some years off for being paid , but we think er or so I 'm informed by the Chairman of B-Sky-B er that things are going quite well
13 I would like to think that if Freud were alive today , he would have said the same thing , of course when Freud wrote this book in nineteen twenty one er there was no such thing as group psychotherapy it had n't been invented yet , it was to become very much after World War Two but partly existed before and perhaps it 's past its peak now , but erm it did become very much a after World War Two and the point I made was and this is really wh wh what Heather ha h has just said , that if you take Freud 's book on , on group seriously , how can you do group psychoanalysis ?
14 but erm it did n't look a very attractive proposition at the time
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