Example sentences of "but because she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nicknamed Janet Gaynor by the make-up artists because of her resemblance to the star , she was generally liked not simply because of her sunny nature , but because she had a special hobby ; she read the teacups .
2 Finally she returned to her dorm , terrified not so much at the prospect of getting caught but because she had come back empty handed .
3 Beth was oddly relieved that she had not confided in Cissie ; not that she did n't trust the girl , but because she had never spoken to anyone about her family , or her reason for leaving them all those years ago .
4 She was horrified ; not only because she could see how Beth had thoroughly exhausted herself , but because she had been taken on two weeks ago by Mr Miller , who had told her categorically , ‘ I do n't want Mrs Miller tackling any of the heavier domestic tasks , you understand ?
5 She did n't offer her own opinion , not because she thought Paul 's design was necessarily as bad as Stephen claimed , but because she had a hunch that , in time , he could come up with something really sensational instead of merely pedestrian .
6 But because she had not felt ready to go to bed with him he had punished her by trying to destroy her self-confidence .
7 Oh , the benison of it , she thought , for she seemed to need comfort now , not only because she was tired after the journey and far away from John , but because she had admitted to herself that she loved him , had let her love sweep over her like a kind of illness , ‘ giving in ’ to flu , conscious only of the present moment .
8 The Act Two ball dress , the emerald gown with the huge stiffened collar embroidered with pearls , looked even better than the Act One dress and she realized that , without knowing quite how , she had quelled Gesner — not for reasons of rivalry but because she had had to get the production back on course .
9 Not just because she was the same age , but because she had such a dreadful illness , just when she should be enjoying life .
10 Not because she was scared of snakes , but because she had n't given them a thought .
11 and they thought , they said then it was connected with the accident , erm because it , you know , she was in such a bad way , and , the other fellow was to blame , I think he 'd been drinking , I 'm not sure , but they 're claiming off the insurance and they reckon she 's gon na be entitled to around a hundred thousand pounds compensation , because , not only has she had these physical injuries , but because she had a knock on the head it 's also affecting her mental state
12 But because she keeps breaking down the details remain confused .
13 Joanna Kemp , also at Luton , is taking A-level music and English , and AS-level courses in psychology , music and drama , not because she knows what she wants to do , but because she does n't .
14 scaring herself ; not because she played her part badly , but because she played it so well .
15 ‘ There 's never been a great woman composer , ’ said my mother with an air of triumph , not because she delighted in this deficiency of her sex , but because she thought it percipient to have noticed .
16 Not because she could n't lose weight but because she enjoyed coming along for a weekly work-out session and it helped to keep her weight in check .
17 She was miserable , not because she felt unhappy , but because she imagined herself rejected by society .
18 Not from irritation , but because she knew it was a lie , and felt sorrowful because of Alice .
19 She agreed to one glass of the port , not because she was feeling at all drunk but because she knew that she ought to be .
20 She submits , not because she is threatened with or fears immediate violence , but because she feels helpless to resist in a situation in which he is all-powerful and she is powerless .
21 When she criticizes the inconstancy of women , it is not because she is overwhelmed by Pope 's influence , but because she has been , if not betrayed , at least disappointed in her friendships with other women .
22 Any problems she has encountered have not been because of her gender , but because she has had older people working for her .
23 But because she did n't respond , I looked at her more .
24 Because she [ the new maths teacher ] did n't know me , she did n't have any confidence in me … but because she did n't have any confidence in me , I did n't have any confidence in myself , and that is the thing that really makes me regret changing schools … at my first school all the teachers knew me and had confidence in me .
25 Not , thought Tim , because she greatly cared for his welfare but because she liked interfering .
26 ‘ He has left you a cottage in Devonshire , and he said : ‘ Tell her it 's not because she saved my life , but because she gave me a fourpenny cigar . ' ’
27 Not because she considered herself better than the people who were forced by circumstance to reside there , but because she found the atmosphere depressing .
28 Not just because Jancey say you need helping , but because she say these are people who ai n't from round here .
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