Example sentences of "but now it is " in BNC.

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1 I wish I could join him in the corridor , but now it is so crammed that there is no room .
2 But now it is one o'clock , and I , being only a volunteer , can step down for lunch without loss of face .
3 It was probably effective the first time , but now it is looked on as a desperate move , a last ditch attempt to gain attention .
4 Forty years ago the population was under 20,000 but now it is seven times that .
5 Forty years ago the population was under 20,000 but now it is seven times that .
6 You can see that the preparation is long and complex , but now it is virtually over .
7 But now it is individual skilled and managerial people ( plus entrepreneurs and self-employed ) who are relocating West ) .
8 VTOL languished , but now it is being resurrected by a Japanese company , Ishida Aerospace , in Fort Worth , Texas .
9 Indeed , three years ago the 360° aerial loop was considered an impossible feat but now it is commonplace amongst the top wave sailors .
10 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
11 I was told the fun was beginning to go out of it , but now it is back as the competition for best fancy dress is nearly as tough as the race itself .
12 You are sure you knew it once but now it is so hazy .
13 But now it is understood that annual sales have slipped to only about $30m — and accumulated losses at the subsidiary are put at as much as $10m .
14 Albert Camus watched young men and women stroll here in the style of Hollywood stars , but now it is a place where people pace quickly along , not to display themselves but simply to get somewhere else .
15 But now it is called the Isle of Fincara ; for we were not left to live there long in peace .
16 At first , the passengers were too nervous about intruding into the this ritual , but now it is the social focus of the camp .
17 White never used to be a predominant Goshiki colour , but now it is realised that a snow-white base admirably sets off the other shades .
18 Perhaps once , in the past , your political life was adequately organized , but now it is clear that there is laziness and selfishness in every part of the system .
19 Sooner or later , the knee will have to make a move , but now it is immobilised by the two flies , the lower of which is so still that it seems dead .
20 For this he was hounded into the political wilderness ; but now it is happening .
21 In France , such an identification was a source of strength when the culture was itself strong , but now it is a source of weakness .
22 But now it is for me , the analyst , to take over .
23 But now it is ended .
24 But now it is over , ’ Alain bit out .
25 I was going to get you to talk about Mitch and England but now it is impossible . ’
26 Had it not been for the enthusiasm and energy of the St Andrews Friends , that Garden might well have had to close , but now it is a thriving and greatly appreciated asset to the town and to a wider community .
27 Alright but now it is starting it is starting to deteriorate quite badly because people are now noticing .
28 John Upson says he did n't use to care too much for the National , because it was cruel to horses , but now it is safer and there 's a lot of magic and mystique attached to it .
29 ‘ A few years ago this sort of equipment was found only in the big teaching centres but now it is the sort of equipment that is a basic requirement of a district general hospital , ’ he said .
30 But now it is up to the Catholic officials and the county to find the money from the £243,000 I have set aside for church school repairs .
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