Example sentences of "but now [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We know you 're not very intelligent , but now they know as well .
2 But now they 've come up with two original-design guitars .
3 Before you always felt that someone 's got this under control and they 're just going to the wire , but now they 've crossed the wire . ’
4 ‘ Ten years ago they were Bulgarians , but now they 've become Macedonians ’ .
5 But when they were originally written erm I think it were f seen as fairly low key but now they 've taken , assumed a much greater importance in terms of them being the actual service specification for the new careers services under the , the employment legislation .
6 In those days they lived next door but now they 've only got their offices there .
7 I 've seen her for a few minutes , but now they 've taken her to be X-rayed .
8 He says it was for their funeral but now they 've got nothing .
9 But now they 've struck again .
10 But now they 've got got the additional worry of discovering that the applications they made to various universities and polytechnics back in October may never have been sent .
11 They 'd paid 98 pounds for travel insurance , but now they 've learnt that the travel agent failed to pass the premium on to the insurance company and they 're not entitled to a refund .
12 But , er , so hopefully Michelle will get this next Tracey 's position , and obviously sort of in in the meantime and providing her position comes up they are bringing in a Telesales County Secretary , which was n't gon na come in for about a year cos they wanted to sort of like , trial it , but now they 've decided if that 's what they want the position to do erm it 'll probably happen in the next two months and they said for me to go for it from our division , so I said right , okay .
13 but now they 've got their P H D
14 but now they 've put it .
15 I was being suppressed by Central Authorities for so long , but now they 've taken the lid off .
16 In the late seventies , the authorities allowed many refugees to stay , but now they 've adopted a tougher policy .
17 Used to go ski er cleaning and that 's where they used to work , but now they go to shops do n't they .
18 While they were walking they had not been able to see it , because there were hills in the way ; but now they saw that the cottage was really built on a cliff , and down below them was a small bay .
19 But now they wait in far-from-quiet anticipation for the main event .
20 When he had been in work he had eaten at 6 o'clock when he got home , but now they ate much later than they had ever done .
21 But now they had to wait until , as the advertising put it , ‘ The Bay Calls the Day ’ .
22 But now they threatened to desecrate the temple .
23 But now they claim the cost of free accounts is too high .
24 The Conservative party in opposition was against the opening of the University , but now they claim they are four square behind it .
25 The others — none of them could even ride a donkey , only Nutty … but now they sit there , knees in , heels down , on the bit — ’
26 ‘ Then the owners had some capital tied up in their slaves so it cost them if one died , but now they lose nothing . ’
27 It 's very difficult to get professional advice that is apposite — you used to be able to get free advice from the Ministry of Agriculture but now they charge you for the privilege of being told how not to farm . ’
28 The fires continued to burn , but now they produced blankets of smoke as dark and dense as black treacle .
29 By day the alleys that ran into a scruffy hinterland were rat-hole rubbish traps but now they seemed romantic lanes where lovers might meet under the bracket lamps and as the sun departed , watch the moon ride over a Grimms ' fairy tale huddle of pinnacled rooftops .
30 He made an attempt on Crilly 's life with a pocket knife once ; but now they speak amicably to one another , they just do n't seem to remember .
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