Example sentences of "but what [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The commercial aspect of this 18-nation common market are relatively uncontentious but what remains to be resolved is how far the EFTA governments will be consulted before decisions of the EC Council of Ministers .
2 Well , they ca n't look , they do n't but what according to and therefore they have to throw a high percentage of the results ,
3 Local cells of the new party will be formed by 10 November , but what happens to the rest of the apparat is at the moment anybody 's guess .
4 But what happens to her , to me , if — made to pretend — we pretend too often ? ’
5 ‘ I 'm looking at the partnership agreement now … trm , trm , trm , here we are — death in partnership — well , it dissolves the partnership , course it does , but what happens to the money ?
6 But what happens to a noble family when it is found guilty of high treason ? ’
7 Domestic farmers receive high , higher prices , but what happens to , to the world market ?
8 But what happens to the real wage rate following a fall in aggregate demand ?
9 But what happens to those families when they 've been housed and they gradually improve their position , do we send our officers down and say ah , you 've got some money in the bank now , you 're not in need , get out of this council house we 're gon na give it to somebody else .
10 But what happens to the five years immediately following a decennial census ?
11 I do n't know what you think about this , but what occurs to me is this , supposing you had to kill somebody with your bare hands , how would you do it ? suggestion .
12 But what appears to be an admission of radical subjectivity can , as Out demonstrates , also lead to subjugation , for if the power of observation to alter its object is harnessed for the benefit of those in possession of the tools of observation , these tools become weapons of cognitive control .
13 But what corresponds to the work of art for the strategic visionary ?
14 Ludens , I 'm in love , I 'm desperate with love , I 'm sunk in it , I 'm ruthless , I feel as fierce as hell about this , I could kill anyone who stands in the way , I must have both of them , and I will , all right it may look like a battlefield , but what has to be done has to be done now and like this .
15 A good application form can be helpful but what has to be considered is whether it stops the candidate from expressing him/herself .
16 This is still valid as an educational ethos , but what comes to be questioned is the ‘ potential ’ and how it is to be measured .
17 May is unlikely to be particularly easy or straightforward , but what comes to light between the 2nd and 9th will alleviate your fears or anxiety .
18 You should have some success when dealing with practical or financial matters at the start of the month , but what comes to light either personally or at work on the 12th or 16th may leave you feeling deflated .
19 We remember the dazzling tries of Gareth Edwards , Gerald Davies and the rest but what tends to be forgotten is that they needed the Welsh forwards to pulverise their opponents into submission first .
20 But what happened to you ? ’
21 But what happened to Contracan ?
22 But what happened to the others , I have no idea . ’
23 I do n't know whether it affects anyone else but what happened to me was that for the first time in my adult life I began to feel part of a community .
24 But what happened to Brixton and it still , to some extent , exists there is a feeling that there are gay people in all these houses and you 're probably going to meet them when you go into Woolworths .
25 Interior shots of rare types are scarce , this Heinkel was apparently captured intact by the RAF but what happened to it is not recorded .
26 But what happened to the crushed tomatoes which had been such a success , Were they abandoned in favour of whole canned tomatoes ?
27 But what happened to the humans inside the Star Zoo ? ’
28 But what happened to Fiona ? ’
29 " But what happened to all that famous French liberte , egalite and fraternite that you fought your revolution for ? " asked Joseph in astonishment .
30 But what happened to her body no longer interested her after he had rejected it .
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