Example sentences of "but there [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But there remains in Karnataka a substantial rump of the old Janata Party , which gave the country its only brief and disastrous respite from Congress rule from 1977 to 1979 .
2 I wanted a restaurant , one simple wholesome restaurant , but there seemed to be none .
3 It was understandable that most of the staff had no previous experience with Jewish children , but there seemed to be little effort to make contact .
4 I looked out of a window to see what he was looking at , but there seemed to be nothing of great note , only the racegoing passengers streaming off their forward carriages en route to write postcards home from the station .
5 The building was owned by Orkney Islands Council , but there seemed to be no difficulty in securing a temporary tenancy .
6 ‘ They are obviously regretting that they let her start the paper round , but there seemed to be no reason for them to object to it . ’
7 She was prepared to make sacrifices for it , but there seemed to be no way she could even begin .
8 Not that he drove any less well , but there seemed to be an unusual number of niggling little problems , a certain tension in the team ; there was Watson 's departure , Prost 's arrival ; there was tension between designer John Barnard , a man considerable force and conviction as to his own genius , and Ron Dennis , who had worked his way up the ranks in FI and was in a somewhat Olympian mood .
9 Chattering excitedly the children tried to open the other part of the building but it was still padlocked securely , they could see a little through various cracks but there seemed to be nothing of interest in that part .
10 The burnt drainage holes did a lot of good , but there seemed to be no cure for mud .
11 But there seemed to be no way of keeping her out of trouble ; her maid , ‘ seeing discomfort on every side ’ , first refused to obey her , and then left her .
12 During the ten or so years leading up to the inauguration of Channel Four in 1982 many proposals were considered but there seemed to be a degree of agreement amongst those favouring a novel form of organization that allocating the ‘ fourth channel ’ to the commercial sector would only
13 But there seemed to be more to the fry adoption story than the dilution effect .
14 But there seemed to be a dim edge of light round each eyelid , as if it were not utterly pitch-dark here at the bottom of the sea .
15 But there seemed to be nothing anybody could do .
16 His life seemed worthless — he was used to that — but there seemed to be nothing at all to contain it .
17 At least the Queen and her ladies had escaped , but there seemed to be no way of saving this beautiful palace .
18 In many ways , he would have preferred to have been able to give himself over to the delusion and accept it as truth ; but there seemed to be a definite boundary here , and it was n't his choice whether or not he crossed it .
19 Some mediums were found to be fraudulent but there seemed to be genuine phenomena underlying the whole business ; and it seemed to be the job of earnest doubters to come to grips with it despite its general slipperiness .
20 I went up to the door , meaning to look in on her before going , but there seemed to be an argument going on and I decided not to interrupt . ’
21 But there seemed to be no valid reason for not devoting one 's whole life to religion .
22 Huy looked at him , but there seemed to be nothing to read in the face , beyond a curious anxiety , and a curious devotion .
23 We were lying there so close together , but there seemed to be a mile-wide gulf between us .
24 He was n't sure which way the Hub lay , but there seemed to be an old track of sorts leading away between the trees .
25 There were conceivably differences in the quality of the students entering the courses , but there seemed to be ‘ different appraisals of the market , and what an honours degree was all about ’ .
26 The tree was in silhouette , but there seemed to be flames in one of its branches ; flames that licked high , then guttered and were gone , only to flare again … as if a fire was coming and going … as if the fire was not of this time , but spent brief minutes in the tree , then flared in another world , before revisiting the winter branches .
27 I can not remember if he asked if they were British or not , but there seemed to be some doubt as to whose side these bombers were on .
28 She had worked hard last week , but there seemed to her to be more work than ever landing on her desk this week .
29 ‘ If this issue had been built up by the NFU and sufficient Tory MPs had rebelled we could have reversed the cuts but there seemed to be little fight from Edinburgh .
30 The Ayrshire Cattle Society was founded in 1877 and its first herdbook published the following year , but there continued to be conflict between those who bred for show and those who bred for commercial production .
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