Example sentences of "but they just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 and the white are nice , but they just get dirty too quick
2 But they just go on and on and bloody on .
3 But they just looked sad .
4 But they just said all over the garden there was just dead carcasses of animals .
5 But they just went out of fashion as well .
6 They did n't go to playgroup sessions , but they just went the mums and toddler session .
7 She said : ‘ They knew what I was doing , but they just let me carry on . ’
8 But they just ignored me then .
9 But they just exhausted themselves after all these years — and I was in the right place at the right time , so they all settled on me to direct it .
10 Well , I think they do , but they just pretend .
11 Women , erm from men 's departments , cos they just , like she said they , I do n't know why , but they just seemed to sort of
12 The guns were blazing away at them but they just kept coming .
13 You have up here you 've got neither win lose but it 's like it 's a respectable thing you know you respect each other you do n't trust them completely and you do n't co-operate completely but they just respect just not you 're just not willing to go that further little bit and it becomes more of a more of a rather than a win lose or a win win it 's more of a people half and half okay I 'll give this much if you give that much .
14 At about 11pm we explained my husband would have to go on his nebuliser but they just continued .
15 ‘ I told them I was not putting up with that sort of behaviour , but they just got more abusive .
16 normal trainers but they just got spikes in them .
17 But they just got greedy .
18 ‘ I would n't mind , ’ she explained , ‘ but they just took it for granted that she would go back to work and I would look after the baby , without even asking me . ’
19 But they just took off , vanished .
20 But they just tried to push me out .
21 They thought they were such big stars , but they just created tension .
22 I tried ducking under broken sections , but they just ducked right down after me .
23 It struck me as wonderful stuff , so I got in touch and tried to get them to do the music for Doctor Who , but they just did n't have the time .
24 If I 'd done English , geography and history , I might have done a lot better , but they just did n't seem to bother about you if you were doing science — perhaps it was an old-fashioned school .
25 The contractions were coming quite quickly but they just did n't feel like proper contractions .
26 Because they were overthrown and the others were taken off into captivity into battle life , and what a life they had , the one of slavery , so at that time because they took no note , because they were destiny instructions to Jehovah for his word and again want to see , they had eyes , but they just did n't want to see it they knew , all the whys and wherefores and what the responsibilities were , but they did n't measure up to them and because of that many of them lost their lives , and if they did n't they were taken into captivity , Jeremiah four , in verse twenty two , again another prophecy sent to them exactly over the same message , the same reasons describes to them as being a , er people that is foolish and of me they have taken no notice Jeremiah four and verse twenty two .
27 And it 's not , you know , it 's not really much chemistry in it , especially if they do n't ask you f for this er equation but they just give it to you .
28 I stop these couple of young kids and ask them where my home is , but they just laugh at me .
29 I stare at the muddied , warped little card sealed in a deal-sized plastic bag , recognising my own writing and feeling my mouth go even drier than it already is and I can only gibber something about , Well , it looks like my writing but , I mean , and anyway , somebody , anybody could have taken that , I mean … but they just look quietly pleased and the questions go on .
30 But they just look half dead look , do n't they ?
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