Example sentences of "but this is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 To human eyes many of the body markings appear to be beautiful and highly conspicuous , but this is because we so often see them in artificial environments where their camouflage quality fails to show itself .
2 It seems incredible to us today that Carey should have had such difficulty in convincing christians of the necessity of sharing the Gospel with ‘ the heathen ’ , but this is because we take for granted the radical influence his views have had upon our modern view of mission .
3 Privately owned papers which are unprofitable do exist , but this is because they receive backing for other purposes — political , in most cases .
4 But I considered myself to be unattractive , and in becoming so thin as to render myself totally undesirable sexually , I was saying , ‘ I may be unattractive , but this is because I choose to be this way . ’
5 Few things seem to have been left out , but this is because he based his work squarely on such useful volumes as Michael Darby 's The Islamic Perspective and A. St Clair 's The Image of the Turk in Europe , and a large number of other texts besides .
6 But this is because of the influence of the dominant or ruling class propagating a political formula' ( Mosca ) or ‘ false consciousness ’ ( Marx ) .
7 The second phrase comprises only eight different notes , but this is because the parts are close together in a small area , and some notes are used by two different instruments .
8 And the state functions in response to the political power of the hegemonic class : the functioning of the bureaucracy corresponds to the political interest of this class or fraction , but this is because of the state 's complex relations with this class 's or fraction 's political power and not because of the bureaucracy 's class affiliation or recruitment .
9 And it it it 's called the fog index but the thing that 's interesting about it is that I 've got , I 've got some interesting examples of fog indexes erm and you 'll get people like Churchill who sometimes made speeches and their fog index is quite small you 're going to use this you know example and they might have a fog , fog index that 's fine and what Anne and I are talking about with say something like the Telegraph or the Times or whatever , might have a fog index that people but this is because Churchill was very clear , very concise and going back to the original point about , or some of the original points about this , and I was mak raising these issues earlier this evening one of the great sadnesses that I have is that , is that when I first went into journalism the tabloids as we call them were incredibly well written beautifully styled , well researched and okay they might have been punchier and shorter and everything else , compared to the turning up the er the , the Times or whatever , but they were well written and you might have had , if you can put the fog index test , test on it you might have had a fog index of say six or seven compared to eleven on the Telegraph story , but it was still full of clarity like to read .
10 Some gay people molest children , just as some heterosexual people do , but this is because they are emotionally and psychosexually damaged , whatever their sexual orientation . ’
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