Example sentences of "but you had [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But you had to remember the circumstances they were there under — they should never have been there at all .
2 But you had to take all that worry that
3 Erm remember the hay we would be turning it w with pitchforks you know , and erm not a well goo drying day but you had to risk turning it and hoping that it 'd be dry but er it would be raining again the following day .
4 But you had to love him .
5 And wherever there was a stall , inevitably the passage was blocked by the wares which spread out from it , covering the ground on all sides , stretching right across the thoroughfare so that there was indeed no thoroughfare but you had to pick your way among pots and pans , saddles , boots , baskets , melons , bales of cloth , onions , and canvases appliqúed with texts from the Koran and crude copies of the tomb-paintings of the Pharaohs .
6 Yeah oh yeah I did n't work anywhere else in Willenhall at all , and erm but we 'd got to be in for seven o'clock and if erm you were n't in for seven o'clock and sometimes I used to hear the bell began ringing when I got to go around the corner and get into the , but you had to wait a quarter of an hour before they would let you in and that was stopped off your money and my wage was eight and fourpence a week .
7 But if you were locking up or cautioning , that was different — but you had to put it in your book that you had cautioned her .
8 A lot of them brought bacon and eggs but you had to cook it and they had to leave the pans and things clean when they left — so it was always a rush job and all policemen suffered from bad stomachs .
9 Looking at all package deals today Tenerife , erm eighteen nights , hundred and five or summat but you had to go sixth February .
10 But you had to squat down to look at it .
11 But you had to know . ’
12 You knew it was going to be awful , but you had to know .
13 The pillbox roof was just visible but you had to know it was there to spot it .
14 But you had to get past that first because Bill was always frightened of somebody , perhaps , trying to get the better of him .
15 He must have been sixty or so , but you had to get close to see it and if his hair was grey , someone had made a good job of disguising the fact .
16 It had upset him at the time , but you had to get over stuff like that or you 'd go to the wall .
17 But you had to get every word right of course .
18 But you had to win it twice before it became your own property .
19 It 's a little lad and I I looked through a window , I could see Judith holding this baby but you had to walk round to get to her and I knew before you 'd got there and you were all over the moon about this little baby and everything
20 But you had to pay it initially ?
21 ‘ There were few people to whom problems could be referred but you had to make things work .
22 Yes I 've seen hay spoilt but you had to make do with it .
23 But you had to play them well enough for people to dance to , because that 's what you were there for . ’
24 But you had to have qualified for it by working , see ? end of the week and the only place I ever had one was at and because the foreman approached me , I 'd been out of work and got the job by writing to it , going to the library and it was in one of the London papers , they wanted men for the tool rooms .
25 But you had to have it paid every quarter .
26 Then that would sort of feed itself , but you had to have one man feeding the the scrapping machine and another man with a shovel , pulling away the the the the the the scrapped at the side and then you had to have another man feeding the long hay into the chaff cutter .
27 The bath , you had a bath room with a bath on the wall but you had to heat the water on a at the kitchen the kitchen fire .
28 Yeah , but you had to pass an examination , did n't you ?
29 On another occasion , Nigel had said that he rejected Enoch Powell 's provocative remarks on race , but you had to admit that what he predicted had come true .
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