Example sentences of "but you must not " in BNC.

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1 But you must not be taken in by McLaren and Honda .
2 We shall see that , said I , and he answered unabashed , with the invisible instruments twanging and humming and jangling all over the room , ‘ You may see it , but you must not speak about this or anything that has passed here , for I have silenced you as surely as if I had cut out your tongue . ’
3 But you must not think it is only to bring you charity that I came .
4 The press will be looking for a strong statement of your own point of view , but you must not present a wholly one-sided picture .
5 You can not expect her to agree wholeheartedly with everything connected with the way you run your home and raise your family , but you must not tolerate any interference in matters that are your concern -just as you must resist the temptation to try to tell her how she should run any part of her life .
6 Your voice and your use of language are parts of your personality but you must not think of them as something fixed — ‘ something you are born with ’ .
7 But you must not be proud of me alone , you know .
8 If the pair of you would rather stay away , then so be it ; but you must not be surprised if the rest of us refuse to be inconvenienced by such behaviour . ’
9 ‘ Now listen , it 's true that we 're poor , ’ she told them , ‘ but you must not tell everyone .
10 But you must not mislead yourself as to his feelings towards you .
11 Thou'lt hold him as long as anyone can , I see that , but you must not expect to have him all to yourself .
12 But you must not plead in behalf of your will and refuse to give due weight to mine .
13 And that 's where you start to get your problems irrespective of whether your appliances are correctly fused you must make sure they are correctly fused but you must not exceed the thirteen amp otherwise you 've had it .
14 But you must not think too much about her . ’
15 Aloud , she said , ‘ Of course , but you must not hope for too much , ’ and made her escape .
16 But you must not regret so bitterly !
17 But you must not build them on the graveyard .
18 But you must not build shops and hotels in the graveyard .
19 But you must not go alone .
20 It is appreciated that you may , through no fault of your own , experience difficulty in returning corrected tests promptly but you must not allow a backlog of unmarked tests to accumulate .
21 but you must not say so
22 But you must n't let on you know — he said he 'd kill me .
23 But you must n't overdo it .
24 But you must n't be too hard on Hester .
25 I know why you are so jumpy , Mama , but you must n't think you are the only one who is being put out .
26 I love you for coming , darling , ’ she whispered , ‘ but you must n't stay . ’
27 But you must n't be naive .
28 Take Daniel to your room , Ben , but you must n't make a noise .
29 But you must n't spoil your supper , ’ he said , ‘ for it 's rabbit pie .
30 It 's very sad , of course , but you must n't think too much about it .
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