Example sentences of "but i [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 I suppose I was on my way to call for Millie , but I walk on past the house instead , obscurely ashamed to have caught her father unawares .
2 The treadmill is the hardest , but I keep on .
3 My heart lurched and seemed to miss a beat , but I went on reading calmly , though the print was blurred .
4 So my skin began to look better , my guts were giving a great , big heartfelt vote of thanks , but I went on losing weight that it seemed to me I could ill afford to lose .
5 But I went on to bigger clubs . ’
6 I was meant to talk for fifteen minutes but I went on for three-quarters of an hour .
7 I should have stopped looking at the pictures then , when past and present had clashed in my mind and made no meaning , but I went on .
8 But I went on grubbing for wood .
9 Lisabeth fumed but I went on .
10 But I took on the idea of transcendence only at a personal level .
11 But I go on for ever … ‘
12 I was n't too keen on this cheek to cheek business , with men I 'd never seen before and did n't know the names of , but I kept on telling myself not to be standoffish and to relax a bit , but as for jiving — no , I could n't do that .
13 When I first started to smoke a cigarette , I felt ill but I kept on because everyone else was doing it , but with sniffing glue when I first tried it I enjoyed it , it 's something I did enjoy , that 's the reason I started anyway . ’
14 But I kept on fighting like Frankie told me .
15 I used to love riding , but I went over a jump seven years ago and the horse stopped , but I kept on going , and I fractured my back , so I thought , I 'm too old for that .
16 I was tired but I kept on doing it and doing it ; they asked me to stop but I would n't .
17 But I kept on thinking , he took me to the concert , and he came back here to her .
18 But I kept on reading .
19 My body was giving up , but I kept on .
20 Patterson 's eyes flickered as if I 'd given him a straw to grasp , but I pressed on .
21 But I put on a bright new grin .
22 From the rattles and clunks it 's difficult to tell what 's happening , but I switch on the cassette recorder in case .
23 But I got on well with him .
24 Oh they use to , everybody was afraid of him , but I got on very well with him .
25 Hotel-keeping 's double Dutch to me at the moment — but I catch on fast , Michael .
26 The outside air temperature was above minimum , but I switched on the engine anti-ice anyway , just to be sure .
27 But I run on again ; assuredly you have determined on your own best ways of presenting the topic , you who are so wise and learned in your retirement .
28 But I held on to my tongue , and got sent to interview Scottish big ears , Paul Haig .
29 I do n't know if it was the Irish temper in me or the Mexican , but I leapt on to the first marine I could reach .
30 She did not look convinced , but I soldiered on .
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