Example sentences of "but it be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But it is governed in some detail by statutory requirements , and so is undeniably a system of statutory regulation .
2 But it is mistaken to the point of being morally grotesque to argue that , before we can decide whether human slaves should be liberated , we first need to count everyone 's interests , both slaves ’ and slave owners ' alike , and count equal interests equally .
3 The total investment need is there from the beginning but it is split into two phases and in our thinking it is only too easy to look only at the first phase because this almost returns the organisation to profitability , and to ignore the second phase which may be essential .
4 There is work about but it is bid very competitively and margins are under pressure .
5 It is accepted that some conception of a set of conditions for an effect is used , but it is denied that this is the conception of a causal circumstance .
6 The new paradigm must pass critical tests to survive , but it is born as spontaneously as the metaphors of a poet :
7 The connection between poststructuralist conviction and political radicalism is both arbitrary and tenuous , but it is insisted on by some contemporary theorists , with their readiness to invoke analogies between cultural processes , however disparate .
8 That is not to say that Parliament does not have a significant influence on the pattern of public expenditure , but it is exercised in various indirect ways at the formative stage of determining the pattern of public expenditure , and not through variations in the government 's proposals once they have been laid before the House .
9 There are still some larger homes in existence and a small number of old premises used jointly with the health authorities but it is planned to close these eventually .
10 During this year purchasing will be confined to fundholding procedures , but it is planned to extend this to all secondary health care from 1 April next year .
11 But it is accepted by physicalists of all kinds that the meaning or semantic value of internal states must be analysed in terms of their causal relations to stimulus and response , just as it is for the behaviourist 's dispositions , and is not something they possess in their own right , or of themselves .
12 Not every noun has a plural form , but , because such words behave in other ways like words which do form plurals , they are admitted into the noun class , eg advice — it is impossible to say *advices , but it is accepted into the noun class .
13 The Regulations derive from EC law , but it is accepted by UK practitioners that an employee is required to acquiesce in the transfer of his employment to Newco , provided the terms and conditions remain materially the same .
14 ‘ The two accused admitted widespread drug abuse but it is accepted there was no element of corruption or financial gain , ’ he added .
15 But it is encapsulated in the phrase that she was subjected to sadistic behaviour over a lengthy period of time which she accepted because she was in love with him .
16 Through the letters and poetry there runs a strong current of paedophilia , which has an erotic strain ; but it is tempered by a humane appreciation of the freshness and generosity of children not yet tainted by the manners of society .
17 But it is exposed above all in a letter of Alcuin ( 796 ) criticizing the whole policy .
18 Essentially , this relates to risk assessment but it is made especially difficult because genetic engineering affects so many regulatory bodies , including those concerned with public health as well as the environment .
19 The full course last from January to November 1993 , but it is made up of six separate units .
20 Schools are given the same written guidelines as in the Major Project , but it is made clear that only a short proposal document is required to accompany the school 's spending plan .
21 This result is probably implicit in the concept of appropriation ( or ‘ conversion ’ ) ; but it is made explicit by the provision in clause 3(1) that a person 's assumption of the rights of an owner ‘ includes , where he has come by the property ( innocently or not ) without stealing it , any later assumption of a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner . ’
22 Self-pity : Having addictive disease in the family is a lonely situation but it is made more so by the spiritual isolation .
23 That is an appalling situation , but it is made more appalling because it mainly affects students from the poorest backgrounds , those whose parents are on low incomes and who get no financial help from their parents because they can not afford to give it .
24 The only means he has of doing that is by accepting new clause S. He will have to come up with very convincing arguments to persuade any Hon. Member that he can not accept it , but it is framed in the most uncontentious way anyone could imagine .
25 As has been indicated , such machinery is established , but it is intended to be used only as a last resort .
26 It may seem pretentious to say so but it is intended in Gramsci 's terms as an organic intellectual work .
27 The work will be carried out entirely with normal subjects , but it is intended to help in understanding why patients with cerebral injuries can show disorders of word recognition whilst object and face recognition remain apparently intact , disorders of object recognition whilst word and face recognition remain apparently intact , or disorders offace recognition whilst object and word recognition remain apparently intact .
28 The heading for this section looks like a play on words , but it is intended to point out the fact that , while development control is one of the instruments by which planning policies are implemented , there are also policies relating to the actual operation of the control .
29 Clearly , crime is not a rare occurrence , but it is hidden methodically , and this raises problems for research .
30 There is still the old ‘ sameness ’ under the surface , but it is hidden more discreetly .
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