Example sentences of "but it should be " in BNC.

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1 As a varnish stain colours and finishes in one operation , they are very popular , but it should be noted that because the colour is in the finish , each extra coat will make the surface darker , and if the varnish stain is not applied evenly , where the film is thicker , the colour will be darker .
2 But it should be clear to us now that the English hide which she thought so ‘ thickly padded ’ was in fact morbidly sensitive — certainly as long ago as Beerbohm 's spitefulness in the 1930s , and perhaps as long ago as Robert Nichols 's inexusable review of ‘ Homage to Sextus Propertius ’ in 1920 .
3 But it should be possible to create and enforce enough common rules to prevent the absurd see-sawing of industrial relations legislation we have seen since 1969 .
4 Dealers and artists complain now , but it should be remembered that they were happy to sell to Saatchi in the first place , and doubtless reaped the benefit of having placed work by their artists in such a prestigious collection in terms of increased prices .
5 Manchester U v Nottm Forest Tomorrow 's television match is unlikely to produce another eight goals for the viewers , but it should be more of a contest as United strive to find a blend and a pattern against Brian Clough 's tightly organised team .
6 But it should be added that at the press preview , I seemed to be only one of several spectators who chose to devote themselves during these scenes to a meticulous scrutiny of their shoes .
7 It wo n't be deathless prose , but it should be a grammatical and effective piece of writing .
8 Scorn has been poured upon the excessive mourning practised by Victorians , to which even their children and servants were subjected ; but it should be recalled that the badge of mourning was like the tartan of a Highland clan : it symbolised solidarity .
9 But it should be remembered that his was an extremely impassioned and subjective response of a man who had fought in Spain , toured some of the depressed North and committed himself to the increasing intellectual and left-wing policies of the Independent Labour Party .
10 But it should be remembered that such hesitation was an endemic feature of British politics during the inter-war years and was even exhibited in the 1930s when fascism , that other major problem of the age , threatened to consume Britain and Europe .
11 It was horrible , and I 'm sorry it happened , but it should be kept in some kind of perspective . ’
12 But it should be clear that while one or two methods may be the most important for attributing coins to a mint or dating them , almost any other consideration can be important , depending on its relevance or on the accidents of survival .
13 But it should be for work done each day or week — not a promise that hangs on results .
14 You may recall that Bachop was outstanding during the World Cup , but it should be noted that he was playing for Western Samoa , not New Zealand .
15 A majority of 21 looks pretty slim against the three-figure majorities of recent years , but it should be sufficient for a full Parliament .
16 The services referred to below are described as they would relate to a Northern Ireland exporter but it should be realised that similar services are of just as much importance to importers .
17 There is probably some truth in this , but it should be remembered that both Haussmann and his master were essentially builders and planners in the classical tradition , which was not by any means new in France .
18 But it should be noted that this document envisaged a definite stage of development in which Northern Ireland would be significantly changed as a result of success in achieving the reforms being demanded by the civil rights movement .
19 At least , this was the opinion of Dugdale , writing a hundred years later ; but it should be remembered that he was one of a long line of propagandists for land drainage , and that , while localized deterioration must have taken place , there is also ample evidence of the activities of the courts of sewers and of individual enterprise by secular landlords .
20 But it should be undertaken : there is no other place like Nine Standards .
21 But it should be seen .
22 But it should be made clear that educational excellence is to be found in the comprehensive schools of the State system , and indeed that these schools should take the lead both in educational experiment and in the democratizing of education as a whole .
23 Thus a powerful sail is needed , but it should be easy to control and durable .
24 Luff 's achievements have now become legendary in the history of Blackpool 's tramways , but it should be recorded that he was fortunate in presiding during a time of expansion , and also enjoyed the political support of the Transport Chairman Ald. C. E. Tatham from 1934 until his death in 1954 .
25 Both the expense and the wide-ranging subject matter in this book mean that few people will buy it , but it should be in the library of any organisation working on the platinum group metals .
26 A 50 per cent preference for residential care might be considered high , but it should be remembered that the dementia sufferers in this sample were mainly already in the advanced stages of their illness , and also that only 3l per cent of the principal carers were spouses , and it is among spouses that the highest preference for home care appears ( see Gilhooly , 1986 ) .
27 I have given two examples of the use of planned ignoring ; but it should be borne in mind that ignoring is not an all-purpose disciplinary approach .
28 There is no special significance to the width of bars , but it should be uniform .
29 Campbell focuses on girl shoplifters , but it should be stressed that other females who shoplift , perhaps pensioners or single parents , might do so for more basic material needs .
30 But it should be kept in mind that the home visit , for reasons of either vocational guidance or after-care , was intended to do more than simply attend to the school-leaver , who was urged to ‘ put your shoulder to the wheel ’ in order ‘ to reduce to a minimum the number of inefficient citizens ’ .
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