Example sentences of "but also [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 It is essential that these rights be such as to allow citizens some autonomy in their private lives as non-citizens , but also that they should enable citizens to have an effective input into the national political system and into their local communities .
2 It was obvious however not only that he was being quite serious , but also that they all agreed with him .
3 From this it is possible to infer not only that the Ørslev carbonates were deposited as a patch reef like Aabenraa , but also that they were subjected to the same diagenesis and that this resulted in the development of comparable pore types .
4 And we must all agree with George when he states that in future the pill pedlars will not only have to show that their nostrums work , ‘ but also that they actually bring benefits in social and economic as well as in purely medical terms ’ .
5 This means that not only can aspiring professionals come back to play in the Home Internationals afterwards , even if they have been successful , but also that they are in a position to change their minds if successful .
6 It is dangerous to simplify law , but our understanding is that to convict someone of a serious crime like theft , we normally have to prove not only that they committed the alleged act , but also that they knew it was wrong .
7 In this book I will argue not only that these are indeed constraints on the form of knowledge but also that they are constraints on all knowledge which should be seen as ideological in the sense in which Marx uses it .
8 She comments that people seemed to feel that child care was an appropriate service for kin to perform for each other , but also that they should not be exploited .
9 These lords viewed Edward III 's seizure of power with enthusiasm , believing not only that Edward might wish to wipe out the stain of the Stanhope Park campaign and the shameful peace , but also that they themselves might reap some political reward for their opposition to Mortimer in 1328 .
10 This would imply , according to Pulgrum 's argument , not only that the Wolof could not communicate with Greenfield but also that they could not communicate with each other .
11 A downward spiral of drink and drugs eventually affects both twins — Elliot believes that not only are they partly telepathic but also that they share chemical effects in their blood streams .
12 This is closely related to perceptions of life expectancy ; some people not only anticipate that they may age more quickly , but also that they may die at a younger age .
13 The reason for this is not only that these organisations are inherently unlikely to broadcast such material , but also that they are subject to different controls as to the content of what they broadcast .
14 It can therefore be argued that not only do social services not pull labour out of the manufacturing sector , but also if they are not expanded the redundant labour from the manufacturing sector simply remains unused and joins the existing long-term reserve army of labour .
15 Need some information but also if they you know something which could actually make it
16 Like all basically lazy people he was content to let things be not only when they were going well , but also when they merely appeared to be going well .
17 Conventional gestures are valuable not only because they often appear in the epics themselves , but also because they are universally recognised as a means of communication in real life and have been used on the stage since the earliest days of the theatre .
18 The deviance of ‘ mouths ’ was in this instance amplified by direct provocation by the police , in part because one member of the force wanted some ‘ skulls ’ , but also because they were elevated into ‘ gougers ’ : the ‘ lip ’ was typical of that of gougers and they fitted the social class from which gougers come .
19 Nor is the idea of community policing popular amongst ordinary constables in other sections of the police , often because it contradicts their views of what constitutes ‘ real ’ police work , but also because they have misguided notions about what community policing is , as well as a practical awareness of the unrealistic expectations held of it by enthusiasts .
20 They transgressed fixity not only because they were without fixed abode , but also because they lacked the identity which , in a hierarchical society , was essentially conferred by one 's place in that society .
21 Therefore , they decided to put their energy into a battle they could only lose , and not just because of television but also because they did so little on their own account to improve the cinemas , and to provide an environment which would lure potential audiences away from their increasingly comfortable homes .
22 The Americans forged ahead not only because they could deploy greater resources , but also because they were more ruthless in seeking out key German experts during the chaos of the German surrender , and in persuading them to work for them in the United States .
23 The weapons are expensive partly because they are made of expensive components , but also because they are time-consuming to develop .
24 One source of recruitment has always been the armed services , not only because their staff have already been security vetted , but also because they are used to carrying out dull repetitive chores and filling out the endless paperwork that forms the major part of any intelligence operation .
25 This was partly because grandmothers lived longer and were more often widowed , but also because they were more helpful .
26 These can be regarded as classics of their kind , and are important not only because of their intrinsic interest as dramatic events in history , but also because they illustrate some of the facets of volcanic eruptions which will be discussed in later chapters .
27 Projects of this type generate high levels of motivation not only because they are worthwhile but also because they imply a high degree of confidence in the young people .
28 One final comment , I have gained the impression from the correspondence in New Scientist that the statements of Associated 0ctel and of the petroleum industry are rejected largely because they have a vested interest , but also because they run counter to the ideas of correspondents .
29 Those upland fields are the hardest land of all to till , not only because of the incline , but also because they 've recently been reclaimed from the forest and the soil is still heavy with roots and stones .
30 They enjoyed huge success from ‘ 63 to ‘ 68 , not only because of the Ventures connection but also because they looked cool and had great-sounding handwound Alnico pickups ( Moseley purposely slanted his rhythm pickups to help balance out the treble and bass response ) .
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