Example sentences of "but all i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But all I kept getting was thirty four
2 So with a series of jerky motions I pumped that handle , but all I succeeded in producing was the sound of a set of bagpipes .
3 I painted all mine white with some paint I had left over from an Airfix model of Apollo 11 but all I managed to do was clog up the mechanism .
4 I have phoned the company , but all I get is an ansaphone and no-one ever contacts me .
5 ‘ It 's Dana ; she promises to come for fittings and rehearsals but all I get are excuses .
6 I , his daughter , grieve and demand justice , but all I get is the offensive language of the alleys and runnels of Southwark .
7 But all I mean the shoes and the lot and everything .
8 I would have welcomed even a reproachful speech from the coroner but all I got from him was an expression of sympathy .
9 I promised that his further education would be no burden to them , and that after the war , I would see to it that he received a free college education , which should not be denied him , but all I got was ‘ You take ‘ im , Mr Burton , you take ‘ im . ’
10 But all I got in reply was a squinty smirk and the hiss of piss .
11 But all I saw was what I had lost .
12 At the end of the alley I paused , waiting , but all I saw was the end of a nose which quietly withdrew as I stood there .
13 ‘ Well , I wish I could be more help , but all I 've heard are rumours — a lot of confused stories .
14 Yes but all I 've got is , look
15 But all I find are a few rather stale cobs already fallen to the ground .
16 But all I needed to do was look at the support I got from the club and the fans when we were at the bottom last season .
17 ‘ At the time perhaps it was a creative influence on our music , but all I ended up with was a jaw that continually hurt me .
18 ‘ At the time perhaps it was a creative influence on our music , but all I ended up with was a jaw that continually hurt me .
19 But all I want is you .
20 But all I want is a knob to say right film tonight
21 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
22 In conclusion I would offer a very positive role for residential care — whether integrated or specialist but all I have said emphasises that there is no simple way forward , there are pros and cons for practically every service .
23 But all I wanted was a bit of independence , a chance to find myself and discover what I really wanted from life . ’
24 And you kept trying all those complicated ways of pleasing me , but all I wanted was for you just to want me . ’
25 ‘ I wanted to find out why Maman had kept the past such a big secret , but all I seem to have done is spook everyone — even you , ’ she said wryly .
26 My friends all seem to be organised but all I seem to do is scream at the children and be in a muddle .
27 I try to see Oreste , or used to before I gave up the torture , but all I see is a baby , fat and dimpled … ’
28 Further away I hear colobus monkeys again , crashing about like drunks after a party , but all I see is branches in motion semaphoring their passing .
29 I know I 'm being pessimistic but all I think about is that depressing drive home !
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