Example sentences of "but if i [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 But if I was studying the daisy family here , I 'd be looking at plants from the size of daisies as we know them , to plants the size of trees .
2 But if I was in better shape , I 'd be sitting up there .
3 But if I was pressed to make a choice , apart from Coldingham Loch , I would have to admit that the Whiteadder River is my favourite Border stream , and I confess that I have a vested interest in Whiteadder .
4 I can conduct in front of the mirror , but if I was conducting an orchestra and something went wrong I could not put it back on the rails again . ’
5 But if I was going to have to disillusion the boy , I thought it kinder to do it personally than by letter , and I invited him to come to the studios to see the programme and have a drink .
6 Possible , but if I was a BNP yob I 'd think he was taking the piss and would throw something , and if I was n't , I might throw something anyway because nationalism stinks — keep those ‘ Ethnic Cleansing ’ concentration camps in your mind .
7 Given the chance , I would have stayed watching or followed the kestrel around the park all day , but if I was on a shopping sortie with my mother , she was always in an incredible hurry , so that was n't possible .
8 ‘ Do n't get me wrong , I think it 's a tragedy that Glen Canyon Dam was built ; but if I was a farmer in Arizona I 'd probably think it was the greatest thing in the world . ’
9 But if I was The John Dyson , do you think crowded restaurants would n't be able to find a table for me ?
10 But if I was , it would be fun to see her .
11 It was quite a responsibility at first , but if I was worried about anything there was a Head Gardener called Arthur Godfrey here at Killerton that I could turn to .
12 But if I was too drunk to remember I 'd have been too drunk to perform .
13 ‘ Because it should never have happened the way it did , but if I was angry it was with myself , not you , because you needed to be courted , to be given time , and I gave you none .
14 But if I was to ask the same question throughout industry today the answer would be very different .
15 But if I was a referee now unless I saw the forward actually trying to stay on his feet I would view all of those fouls very suspiciously .
16 But if I was a feller , would Tony think I was immoral , then ? ’
17 I think I was probably screaming as well , but if I was I did n't yell anything memorable .
18 I 've just put my house on the market in York I 've chosen the if erm that 's that 's you know the whole taking the whole scene into consideration , but if I was in Bournemouth for instance and buying a house in York and I said I phone three or four estates agents and said , Look please send me information through the post .
19 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
20 But if I was integrating a sine , it would have come from a cos and the cos should have given me a minus sine .
21 I love a piece of orange , I I would n't eat a whole orange but I do like er little pieces of oranges now I might get away with that but if I was to have a whole orange
22 But if I was you know you 're not
23 so you close him on his final objection , you listen , you then sell him his objection , right , you sell him his objection , right , you confirm his answer , right , whatever he says to you and his answer you actually confirm it back to him , you do n't interrupt him , right , you do n't guess where he 's at , right and basically if work through a system you 'll get on there , now for me to be able to , to , to , what I 've just said to you is a load of garbage , but if I was sitting I was sitting actually go through each one of these steps and that 's what you term as a closing sequence , you see what I mean ?
24 But if I was to say it , it 's different .
25 I am quite aware it would take a far wiser head than mine to answer such a question , but if I were forced to hazard a guess , I would say that it is the very lack of obvious drama or spectacle that sets the beauty of our land apart .
26 But if I were a teenager and I saw a TV star telling me that he had taken coke , I would reckon that there must be a reason why the famous spend a fortune on this drug .
27 It 's his land but if I were you both , I would n't disturb the dead , very dangerous ! ’
28 ‘ I 'm not a betting man , Miss Mackenzie , but if I were I 'd put my shirt on your being able to do just that .
29 But if I were you I 'd give him his wife back and find yourself someone more suitable .
30 But if I were older … ’
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