Example sentences of "but do [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 But doth suffer a sea-change
2 He believes rescue missions should be carefully planned but do serve a purpose .
3 Their figures for the Eastern Caribbean are less clear cut ( also predictable as Barbadian Creole is itself less distant from Standard English than Jamaican ) , but do show a tendency for teachers to categorise them as " mixed " speakers .
4 They have no plans to start up the line again , but do offer a full spares and backup service for existing Coupes — whatever the manufacturer 's designation .
5 The shift toward standard English is associated with young Black women — not older Black women or white women ( who do not , of course , speak Gullah , but do speak a strongly nonstandard variety ) .
6 Of course , all programmes may creak and require alteration as the term moves on , but do make a programme in diary form or on a bar chart , or both .
7 I 'm going up country tomorrow , but do leave a message for me here if you would like any more information . ’
8 To sum up : do n't be afraid of repetition , but do use a degree of change , enough to suit the mood and effect you wish to create .
9 In high season a variety of specialist restaurants are available ( opened at the managements ' discretion ) at no extra charge but do require a reservation .
10 They are mainly from France , Germany and Italy but do include a couple from Down Under .
11 ‘ I do n't know whether you 've really read all those extensive notes your researcher made for you , but do take a look at the last couple of lines .
12 We have no name for the killing of an older man , but do have a name for the killing of one 's father .
13 Organise your affairs so as to get to the patient quickly , or decide not to go to the patient and use routinely the 999 service , but do have a practice policy .
14 Used properly , bothies are places of great convenience and delight , but do remember a couple of important points .
15 Ghana does not have an unblemished record on human rights , but did hold a multi-party presidential election last year .
16 Seaman should have saved the first goal , but did make a two world class saves against Berkamp and Rikaard .
17 She emphasised that , as far as she was concerned , headhunters were rarely useful to high-quality , prestigious companies — such as BA , presumably — but did serve a function for low-profile businesses with image problems , whom they could puff up , and flatter candidates into joining .
18 Most Western ambassadors boycotted the firework display but did attend a reception on Saturday hosted by the Prime Minister , Li Peng .
19 The Hepburns proved hardly more reliable , but did keep a hold on the castle and — so far as anyone could keep a hold on such a region — the lordship of Liddesdale .
20 In the case of Sheffield City Council v A.D.H. Demolition Ltd the Divisional court of the queens bench made it clear , for the first time in a reported case , that ‘ premises ’ within s.1(1) of the 1968 Act covered more than a building standing on a particular piece of ground , but did include a vacant site .
21 I got no machines initially , but did receive a huge carton of magazines and books .
22 At £11.99 , it may seem expensive but does feed a lot of people .
23 This technique is not always as effective as division , but does achieve a nearly random distribution , and so is useful when it is not possible to exploit any existing order in the key sequence .
24 It does not state a minimum portfolio requirement but does make a small annual charge , maximum 0.1% of portfolio value , in addition to transaction charges .
25 Its remuneration in the form of wages may not be very high , but does offer a measure of security , in that wages are contractually established and regulated under existing labour laws , which means that in theory they can not be arbitrarily withdrawn or altered .
26 ECGD does not lend money to companies but does offer a number of schemes to banks to allow them to finance exports at interest rates which are often significantly below prevailing market rates .
27 If you prefer , white almond paste could be used instead of the fondant — it is just as pliable , but does give a harder finish and added flavour .
28 This peril is not subject to any special exclusions but does provide a number of problems .
29 This does not demand a high degree of psychotherapeutic experience , but does require a good deal of common-sense .
30 This game has excellent graphics and sound blaster support but does need a 286 or better to run .
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