Example sentences of "but he would have " in BNC.

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1 Ronnie could have done with one himself but he would have got arrested . ’
2 But he would have preferred Lord Halifax to Churchill as prime minister in 1940 and even in retrospect believed that the country would have fought the war better under Halifax and that the admirals and the generals would have had a less neurotic time .
3 Rose would call teasingly but he would have gone with a slam of the door .
4 I could have held him tight and told him I was proud of him and that I loved him just for being there , but he would have struggled free .
5 If he did nothing more he would still retain his fee simple , but he would have deprived himself of the right to present possession and enjoyment of the land ; his estate would become a future estate , which would again become a present estate , an ‘ estate in possession ’ , only when the smaller estate , the ‘ particular estate ’ which had been carved out of it , came to an end .
6 Not that he 'd go , but he would have helped anyone who wanted to .
7 Boy would have been happiest to stand on the end of a pier from which big ships , real proper ocean ships , embarked ; but he would have settled for just an ordinary pier , a small one — so long as it was big enough for him to walk away from the city , into the wind , turn his back on everything and stand there looking west at an empty sea , or a far horizon , and think about America , or somewhere .
8 But he would have his way .
9 But he would have nothing of Jim 's gloom .
10 In time he too would recruit and form an IRB circle there , but he would have to be careful ; Castlebar was a garrison town .
11 Staff could probably provide him with something to eat , but he would have to obtain water for himself .
12 The King could have ridden further inland , but he would have lost his way on the wild , grassy moorland which conceals marsh and bog to trap the unwary traveller .
13 For this reason , he is unable to support birth control by means of contraceptives , but he would have no hesitation in recommending self-control .
14 His sentence was terminated when Sahara officials bailed him out and said they would pick up the tab for the room but he would have to pay for his food and drink himself .
15 Ricky had to steel himself not to take her in his arms , but he would have been putting a match to a petrol-soaked bonfire , and he did n't want to hate himself any more than he did already .
16 There is no evidence that Wordsworth ever studied Rousseau in a systematic way , but he would have met with his influence in France , if not well before .
17 Tinryland was terribly disappointing on his seasonal debut at Newbury , but he would have a great each-way chance if reproducing last season 's form .
18 He might not wish to reveal names to the police but he would have to .
19 Had Andrewes remained in Cambridge , his reputation would probably have been unblemished but he would have lacked the stimulus to write the magnificent sermons which he preached at Court ; and he would not willingly have engaged in the controversial writing in which for the first time he set out the Anglican Church 's position in terms which European scholars could respect ; above all his Preces , even had they been written , would not have contained the breadth of experience , and the depth of feeling , based on that experience , which made them treasures of the Church .
20 She would be confused , but he would have to deal with that .
21 He would have disapproved of it equally in contemporary western Europe and contemporary TDC , but he would have had to look for quite different explanations for its occurrence .
22 They can certainly be quite big enough for a diver to put his foot into , but he would have to be very incautious indeed to get trapped .
23 Barthes 's was a very modern mind but he would have liked the idea of being one day accepted into this tiny pantheon of local literary notables .
24 She would not , of course , have been surprised to hear her father making one of his many nocturnal pilgrimages , but he would have taken his stick , banged doors , bumped against furniture , turned on lights , even sung an old pop song from the sixties if he could have been sure of waking the children .
25 He knew , he said , that he was just an ordinary farmer 's son and she was a famous Beauty , known the county over , never a word spoken against her even by the men who bivouacked up in the fells — but he would have no-one else and would wait just as long as she told him to .
26 But he would have preferred to spend the extra time in bed none the less .
27 But he would have her , in the end .
28 But he would have a drink and a warm bed awaiting him when he got rid of it .
29 The blow would have killed him instantly — at least , he might have lived for a few minutes in a technical sense , but he would have been unconscious and effectively dead .
30 None but he would have noticed the gleam of gold and diamonds — the ring on the dead man 's finger as his hand broke the surface .
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