Example sentences of "but i [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But I I mean we I do n't know whether you think it 's worth contacting or not .
2 Yeah but I I mean sort of patronize them
3 But I I mean she was noted
4 I 've got two boxes at home , but I I mean its not brilliant , but they do the job for me could be worth cos he driving out there as well , would n't mind start get the old ferry ticket 's tomorrow and piss off over there , straight through France ,
5 At least , properly , but I I mean , I 'm buying nearly ev , nearly every day cos I do n't you know , shop every week , beginning of the week which I should do .
6 Well I have n't , you see but I I 've thought about it and thought
7 But I I 've got contacts which can get us academic recordings ,
8 But I I 've got to In fact I 'll make myself a note here and now , I 've got to talk to and I 'll get them to send some more tapes .
9 Er I think they genuinely believe their case , it 's not a case that I believe , but I I 've always genuinely respected them for the case they take .
10 Yes but I I 've got quite a lot
11 I sometimes wish I did but I I 've never done it in the morning .
12 you know as I say I 've not worked in this division but I I know that these have been fully sold , that 's the sort of money and once again that has to be done in three weeks .
13 The er the county council came forward with these policies as a result of comments that er districts made a number of years ago and perhaps er over a passage of time erm makes at least validity your point but I I remain of the the view that there is in the there is nothing in the county structure plan that sets out the basic objective of protecting the countryside and still feel that 's a valid objective within the structure plan erm within the structure plan er context .
14 So although you would have I do n't know but I I hope I 'm not sort of I really am trying to find out although you 'd have his coffin in the front room where you would be living
15 I hope you enjoyed that discussion I mean well first of all if you live in the Selby area it 's been of relevance to you and you 've managed to hear what both sides are saying but I I hope even if you do n't live in the Selby area it 's er you 've er found it as fascinating as I have to hear the pros and cons of such a complex issue .
16 But I I hope at the end of all this , there will still be how much training you 've had , that when the post is eventually advertised it will still be
17 I get it , I get it every time I come into one of these but I I hope that I 've got it in got them in formation .
18 But I I take the sentiment of Mr 's comment .
19 But I I du n no , I see it 's not once you 're u actually up here , looking I think it 's different when you 're up here looking back as when you 're over there looking up here .
20 A number of criteria would relate to that and we we simply , it is n't appropriate I know , sir , to go into the detail of that , but I I postulate briefly certain questions .
21 But I I remember that happening
22 But I I go on sorry Paul
23 No but I I let you guys bring in drinks because most this system on you would n't have a
24 Erm but I I want to and I 'm not sure where to go from here , I 'm not sure
25 So , we we 're looking there at a a a reasonable amount of sort of extra work but I I think we will find a benefit from doing that .
26 erm but I I think er it was the words they were singing .
27 But I I think this lot will just dance , er and on the whole , erm mu music
28 But I I think No I I I would n't have thought that it er was as much as er er as it was previously .
29 But I I think the things is is n't it , to a certain extent with the I I P it 's formalizing it ?
30 I think Yes but I I think God 's got the pattern for us
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