Example sentences of "but it be [be] " in BNC.

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1 Er Ministers are often in a very grave difficulty these days , if they do n't listen er er they 're accused o o of being autocratic , i i if they do listen , er then they 're accused of making u-turns , well even the gathering swine did n't have to make a u-turn , a change of direction would have been quite sufficient and I welcome the change of direction which the Home Secretary ha has made erm the objectives of this Bill are I think to be commended , but it is be perfectly clear from the outset that you ca n't combat crime by antagonising everyone concerned with the enforcement of law and order , the police authorities , the police and the magistrates .
2 Other land does belong to the company , but it is being worked still and eventually will be restored .
3 They are not caused by individual neurosis , but it is being asserted that religion is best understood as if it were a symptom of a neurosis of humanity as a whole .
4 The old pattern of streets and houses is still just visible but it is being rapidly engulfed by the ubiquitous housing estates and ‘ infill ’ as the drive for ‘ a home in the country ’ goes on apace .
5 ‘ Change is not a word that one would readily associate with academic bookselling , but it is being visited upon us and we must respond . ’
6 But it is being used I believe as a scapegoat to get the government off the hook for financial reasons .
7 The Auch mountain glen project , which would restore a local beauty spot , has remarkable local support , but it is being thwarted by the obduracy of the Minister and his officials .
8 ‘ It is not growing , but it is being maintained with growth agents .
9 A county spokeswoman said : ‘ Clwyd has agreed with Wrexham Maelor that it can have the buildings but it is being held up because of the situation with NEWI .
10 But it 's 's name yeah .
11 And he does so and he finds and squares the ball to his right , Alan made an advance for it but it 's was there first , put ball forward looking for and it 's just beyond the fair haired striker and races away to pick it up .
12 But it 's being treated that way and a tough fight is promised .
13 But it 's being stretched to the limit .
14 The Beeson Ward at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford has pioneered a new type of nursing , but it 's being closed down because the local Health Authority says it does n't have enough money to keep it going .
15 No one knows when or by whom whisky was invented , but it was being made in Ireland when Henry 11 carried out his invasion in the twelfth century , and by Tudor times distilling was a thriving industry in Scotland .
16 She was disappointed when he told her he was sorry but it was being used for band practice that day .
17 Joe should have gone back to school the previous week but it was being used as an evacuation centre .
18 Roger Wade , co-owner of the Boxfresh label and now handling UK fashion sales for the Carhartt brand gives an insight into the emergence of workwear : ‘ For probably two years there were only really bits and pieces of names like Carhartt being worn — it was a very small thing , but it was being worn by the right people .
19 The Crossrail scheme for an east-west underground passenger line would benefit London , but it was being re-examined , Mr Lamont said .
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