Example sentences of "but for many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But for many cities jealousy of Milan was as powerful as hatred of the emperor 's control , and a rival faction formed under Pavia which was for a time loyal to Frederick — a map of the two teams shows in a fascinating way how difficult it was to love one 's neighbour in this world of riotous freedom and traditional internecine feuds .
2 But for many others , including ourselves , the dawn and the return of the sun is a welcome relief from a time of enforced inactivity .
3 Boundaries between the ‘ fringe ’ and mainstream media have blurred , but for many women this appears a selective process of appropriation , a plucking of ‘ useful ’ radical ideas from their political context .
4 So much has changed , but for many women writers that cry is eternal .
5 WHY : Bad living conditions and lack of space are facts of British prison life ; but for many prisoners the greatest hardship is isolation .
6 But for many people , the slide into drug use has been to escape other problems — poor living conditions , no real job prospects and broken relationships at home which all lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair .
7 But for many people ( me included ) most are peripheral to holiday enjoyment .
8 But for many people , especially as they grow older themselves , and especially if the professional support is not there , the burden can become intolerable .
9 But for many people the problem is further back than that .
10 Surgery may have prolonged the careers of some Hollywood actresses but for many people it is not the panacea they may believe it is .
11 In some cases this only extends to personal or physical independence , but for many people ageing represents a threat to their independence in the much wider sense of losing control over how they wish to live their lives .
12 But for many people , the Sunday-school outing remained the fondest memory of day-tripping and the station a vivid part of that memory .
13 But for many people is n't it the case that the the church wedding is an an and the promises made the vows made before God and er before the the congregation , for many people they 're just a sort of rather erm oh dear how can I put it rather a flimsy frippery erm that they just feel it 's essential to have so that they can have the nice pictures and and look back on on a church wedding .
14 Despite the flaws in his character highlighted during the bitter presidential campaign , he signifies a fresh start not just for Americans , but for many people the world over .
15 Urgent medical supplies were flown out from Lyneham yesterday , but for many victims the only hope of a full recovery requires the full faclities which only countries like Britain can provide .
16 But for many east Germans , the jubilation of unity night last October has given way to frustration and fear of unemployment .
17 But for many years after 1979 this approach seemed to embody many of the qualities which a depressed , declining nation yearned for and acclaimed .
18 It is in the heart of Manchester , but for many years industry and commerce have been moving away from the city centre , increasing the risk that only a lifeless core will be left .
19 Nowadays we can judge the sound from the advantage of good quality roundwound strings , but for many years flat/tapewound strings with their poor magnetic response and rapid note decay were the only option .
20 Birds respond to a wide range of sounds but for many years it was assumed that their low-frequency hearing was poorer than ours .
21 But for many years Soviet statements have considered the DRA 's ‘ peaceful initiatives ’ on settling the situation around Afghanistan ( such as the regime 's political programme of 14 May 1980 ) ‘ in the context of normalising the situation in the region as a whole ’ .
22 What has proved to be a thorny problem , not just during the past four years but for many years before , is the basis for financing all the services provided by local authorities and the level of services that should be provided .
23 For some time , Mrs Edwards worked in the Denbigh office of solicitors Kerfoot Owen and Company but for many years had to care for her elderly mother with whom she lived .
24 Tinka 's home is now in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , but for many years she lived in Johannesburg , where she established the Medau Society of South Africa .
25 But for many workers the move did n't come as a surprise .
26 But for many participants what is needed is something more definite in the way of a scheme of work of some kind which will direct and maintain the momentum of the course into a continuing programme of monitored activities in the classroom .
27 Goals espoused by WHO/HFA may have numbed our consciousness but for many health workers in the Philippines , despite the change in government , a health initiative becomes the front line in a struggle some do not survive .
28 But for many drivers using the road regularly the present situation is unacceptable .
29 Prokarvotic and eukaryotic systems have approximately equal emphasis and there is a useful chapter on recombinant-DNA techniques : but for many courses the treatment of bacteriophages and F plasmids will be inadequate .
30 But for many booksellers and librarians the barricades of desks and tables of busily negotiating suits that fill most stands must be both forbidding and frustrating .
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