Example sentences of "but it [is] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It annoys old ladies in Brighton , but it is proof of their essential good sense … families are impoverished but the family system has not broken up .
2 But it is Jan Timman who has gained the attention of the Dutch .
3 But it is Jonny who is the driving force , the black leather jacket may have gone , the cowboy boots were nowhere to be seen yesterday , but the earring is still in place and so is the intensity which stunned Cambridge two years ago .
4 If HaL meets its promised dates , it could beat Sun to market with a 64-bit system — but it is Sun that expects to create a high-volume 64-bit market supplying both its own needs and those of its cloners .
5 If HaL meets its reported dates , it could beat Sun to market with a 64-bit system — but it is Sun which expects to create a high-volume 64-bit market supplying both its own needs and those of its cloners .
6 But it is affreux !
7 Yeah , but it is shite .
8 But it is day now , there in the Forest .
9 Therefore , in history it is not nature and technology which makes human society but it is man himself , who in terms of his already existing ideas and values , makes his own history , as he encounters nature and the problems it poses .
10 The use of a DBMS is not necessary to develop information systems , but it is part of the methodology for implementing information systems discussed in this text .
11 Relativity may have had a better press , but it is quantum theory that we have to thank , at a practical level , for our understanding of chemistry , molecular biology and solid-state physics , as well as nuclear physics and the deeper puzzles of particle theory .
12 The hot summer and low water levels made the problem worse but it is Britain 's farming and sewage practices that are the key to the problem .
13 But it is Islam , not Christianity , that has realised the danger of privatisation and the negative and draining effect it can have on public life .
14 But it is Doctor Sparrow .
15 But it is Day-Lewis who dominates everything as he races around , long locks flowing and trusty musket in tow .
16 This is entirely comprehensible and makes all the necessary references to Christian burial , John Donne and so on , but it is nonsense : toll as a noun means " tax " or " tariff " and death-toll refers ( in journalese ) to the quantity of dead people .
17 Folk in Up Hatherley , Gloucestershire , have the same problem uffolding the dignity of the district but it is uffill work .
18 But it is Weede who really makes this worth hearing , keeping his balance with ease between sympathy and schmaltz .
19 Mr Simon Murray , leader of Honour Hong Kong , said : ‘ I am not saying we are over the moon , but it is progress . ’
20 But it is stars of the theatrical and cinematic world — or certainly the matinee idols of that world — who still regard the term with such anxiety .
21 A lot of Alfie 's adventures are shared by his little sister Annie Rose , but it is Dad who takes him camping , very close to home .
22 This may not worry a small brewer unduly since other effects offer greater potential for variability but it is anathema to bulk production which must couple closely to marketing and customer perception .
23 By the time Paul becomes active , James may be official head of the Nazarean Party in Jerusalem ; but it is Simon Peter , whether by virtue of the mission entrusted to him by Jesus or by virtue of his own charisma , who wields the greatest influence and commands the most fervent allegiance .
24 But it is Winterthur 's art collections that almost dwarf the rest of its cultural life .
25 The log book , the registration document is not the car , but it is evidence of the ownership of the car .
26 This does not stop the play from being brilliantly funny : but it is comedy that appeals to one 's taste for cruelty , a form of dramatic pugilism . ’
27 He says we 're not expecting too many problems , but it is Liverpool and there is a known criminal following .
28 But it is Mansell 's unexpected prowess on the oval circuits , which make up six of the 16 races in the Indycar championship , which has been most impressive .
29 But it is damage wrought on the international competitiveness of American firms that really gives pause for thought .
30 But it is competence of a particular kind .
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