Example sentences of "but it [vb past] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The wild aurochs , as big as a modern English Longhorn , was widespread in Britain while there was still a landbridge linking the land to the Continent after the retreat of the glaciers of the last Ice Age , but it died out here during the Bronze Age 3,000 years ago and it never reached Ireland .
2 With an effort of will he tried to stop it but it carried on trembling .
3 Roads were blocked and gardens were swamped but it carried on raining .
4 But it blew over .
5 But it went on to slam British Rail for using ancient commuter trains with parts dating back to the steam age .
6 I ca n't remember much about that first talk , but it went on for much longer than the five to ten minutes it was supposed to last .
7 It was also useless to pretend that corruption at elections was one-sided ; the scale was far smaller than thirty years earlier , but it went on just the same in both parties .
8 In fact I did one for , for erm one on for two years I think to ab about the same as that , just in pretty colours , but it went on and on .
9 But it went on .
10 Not only did the Manchester conference reject the memorandum with only one dissenter but it went on to request : that Conferences of the Labour Party League of Youth be empowered to freely discuss and record decisions upon policy .
11 This courtesy , tenderly performed , seemed right out of place to me , but it went down okay with Mrs Davis , who peered up at Fielding for quite a time before she said ,
12 to smithereens but it went off and I woke up
13 ‘ He told me that there was a wonderful view , but it came on to rain and — ’
14 Well he does n't know where I live at the but it came up in court that he was going to take me to court for access , making it out as though it was my fault that he had n't seen Ricky , I was stopping him from seeing Ricky when it 's his own fault .
15 But it came up about three times !
16 Gross , I know , but it came in handy .
17 Huntington remained with the Esmondes until 1760 , when it was sold to the Bishop of Limerick ; but it came back into the family when it was bought in 1780 by Alexander Durdin , a Protestant , whose son Richard married Frances Esmonde .
18 And so what we did , we ran this particular course , erm , for which we we received a fee , but it came back as expenses area , was n't under the same arrangement as the rest of it .
19 yeah , but it came back the other day did n't it ?
20 He dived underneath it but it came down , almost crushing him .
21 But it came down with Churchill 's head showing .
22 The first game was good , but it came down to one player , Garrison , who was desperate to win , and one player , Graff , who just kind of did n't want to lose .
23 Clarissa would have liked to stand up for Charles , but it came out as nothing more positive than ‘ Oh ’ .
24 I made a non-committal cluck at the back of my throat , but it came out higher than I had intended .
25 She laughed shortly but it came out as a half-sob .
26 I turned to my nearest fellow browser , intending to ask her politely but firmly to lead me to the nearest padded cell , but it came out wrong .
27 " Please — " I tried to formulate some plea in the middle of a pain , but it came out as a whimper .
28 I slipped into my Humphrey Bogart but it came out more like George C. Scott .
29 it was n't but it came out quite sincere erm no i it 's the only way to work er but y you know it 's here it 's your attitude , I mean
30 Juliet tried to laugh , but it came out rather strangled .
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