Example sentences of "from [adv] by the " in BNC.

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1 W. Russell Brain has said : ‘ The surface of the body is a frontier which is perceived from both sides , by vision as part of the external world and from within by the various forms of cutaneous sensibility . ’
2 What is needed is a change in the processes of decision-making so that policies are informed from below by the people involved , who are the only ones who really know what life there is like and what people really want and are able to do .
3 His body , overwritten with coloured filaments and moving equations , was almost invisible ; his face was a mask , illuminated from below by the rainbow sprays of tiny linked shapes springing from the sphere .
4 Behind them rose plumes of steam lit from below by the crackling death of his amps .
5 As early as the 1880s , however , the new order was already being threatened from below by the rise of mass anti-semitic movements on the right and of the working-class movement on the left .
6 from down by the Nag 's Head , who 'd been bombed out .
7 In spring their window was lit from above by the yellow glow of a thick row of bright daffodils .
8 What is wrong , however , is the comparison which places universities at the top because they are thought to be concerned with the abstract and academic , polytechnics below , because of their more technological emphasis ( which is itself , as often as not , a myth ) , and which deems schools to be worth considering only if they are seen as primarily devoted to academic ‘ standards ’ , imposed from above by the universities themselves .
9 Whether it be participation through music-making or through response to performance ( dance , other body-movement , shouts of enthusiasm , the social paraphernalia of shared fanship , and so on ) , the increased specialization of musical labour together with mass media distribution , which together deliver ‘ high-quality ’ professional products into our homes , render all such ‘ participation ’ anachronistic ; it becomes an exercise in self-deception since it is manipulated from above by the consumer industries , the fetishistic relation hidden beneath a mask of self-directed activity and ‘ spontaneity ’ .
10 A wind was blowing , and to protect the flame of the match he bent forward , and while in this position he was seized from behind by the right shoulder and pulled backwards .
11 Tavett was taken from here by the police yesterday and he has n't come in today .
12 Its structures , moreover , are irregular , supposedly answering to the needs of those within , not dictated from without by the demands of symmetry ; their emphasis is vertical , aspiring heavenwards ( as the Victorians frequently remarked ) , where that of the classical house is horizontal , connecting with the values of this earth .
13 It was taken from there by the murderer , while you were still in the wings , in your shirt-sleeves , feeding Micky his lines through the deaf-aid .
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