Example sentences of "from [pron] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 McLeish took her briskly through the course , making the now familiar speech about Angela Morgan 's death being treated as a case of murder , which meant taking statements from everyone who had been associated with her and might be helpful .
2 A figure not far short of this was also found in the biological parents from whom they had been separated , though not in their adoptive relatives , in whom the incidence was much lower .
3 Another expensive car pulled in behind her , and Robert recognized Mr Shah , the man from whom they had collected Hasan last summer .
4 I 'm virtually certain that the woman from whom we had most of the aggravation had been .
5 It was her old mistress from whom she had hoped for much , woman to woman , and none of his soothing phrases meant anything to her .
6 Mrs Mohammed-Holgate was the temporary lodger whom the police arrested when , many months after the burglary , the original owner of the valuables thought that she recognized her from the description given by the shop owner of the person from whom she had bought the jewellery .
7 The Germans had no idea who she was and the villagers from whom she had been begging food had not betrayed her ; she was allowed to go without suffering anything much worse than a slapped face and an hour 's sarcastic , sneering interrogation .
8 The House of Lords held that the hirer had not ‘ bought or agreed to buy ’ the piano which therefore still belonged to the person from whom it had been hired .
9 WILLIAMS : I hope I may trust to your discretion not to let Mr. Belville know from whom you had the information .
10 The jeweller 's description of the person from whom he had bought the valuables was thought by the victim to resemble her former lodger .
11 Rather than punish him for the attempted rebellion , Henry gave Richard the task of quelling the very Aquitainian rebels from whom he had so recently looked for support .
12 debts liable for collection by the lender after the death of a person specified by the borrower as someone from whom he had an expectation .
13 His hair , untended , curled thick as a dog 's at his neck under a shapeless wool cap , and his mind was turned patently inwards ; far from seeking , or even thinking of the men from whom he had been parted for six weeks .
14 In a codicil Sir William asked Charles Greville , his heir , from whom he had ‘ bought ’ Emma , to pay the debts she had accumulated since his last settlement .
15 But he owed it to his brother and his own people to go warn and prepare them ; also he hoped that some of his retainers and tenants , from whom he had been detached since Berwick , might have survived Halidon and would win home .
16 It is ironic that the hypocrite , who is seen throughout with a neurotic distrust of women , and whose every second word to his wife is an insult , should finally be exposed by a woman he had trusted , from whom he had snatched the handkerchief without even thinking her worth swearing to secrecy ( III.iii.320ff . ) .
17 Though he was in some ways a traditionalist , interested in painting epic scenes in a continuation of the grand European manner , he was also a modernist , an admirer of Picasso from whom he had learnt to analyse the rudiments of representation in order to embellish them , to make them rich or austere .
18 from whom he had acquired the recipe for his famous ‘ compound soap pills ’ , which found their way into the London Pharmacopoeia in 1746 .
19 It was then he knew for certain that the oriental he had just shot was not the one from whom he had wanted to exact retribution for injuring Pam — because at the other end of the corridor he found himself looking into the glittering black eyes of his hated enemy , Angel One .
20 Specifically Sir Joh was accused of lying to the Commission when he denied any knowledge of the business plans of a Singaporean entrepreneur Robert Sng , from whom he had received a " contribution to party funds " of A$100,000 .
21 In Rickards v Oppenheim [ 1950 ] , the defendant wanted a body built on his Rolls Royce chassis and he agreed that the plaintiffs ( from whom he had purchased the chassis ) could use a sub-contractor to do this specialized work which should have been completed in March 1948 .
22 Germanus of Paris excommunicated Charibert for marrying Marcovefa , a nun who was also the sister of the king 's previous wife , Merofled , from whom he had as yet not separated .
23 All I know is that by the time we had entered into residence again that autumn , we found we had made so little progress , and had remained so vague about our aims that , one evening , Harold Mason and I , who had seen more of each other than we did anyone else in the group , resolved to abandon the project altogether ; and I therefore wrote to Eliot , from whom I had not heard further , telling him that our plan had made so little headway that I felt it my duty to tell him not to trouble himself any more .
24 The retired milkman , from whom I had borrowed the can , told me that the dent was the result of an accident with a bicycle .
25 On asking a young woman from whom I had collected books how she knew of the sale , I got the pleasing reply ‘ It 's the highlight of my year . ’
26 Rather breathlessly , he told her that despite this , no one and nothing could take from them what had been .
27 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that the appropriate means of achieving fairness to an accused with regard to disclosure to the defence of material in the prosecution 's possession was a matter to be determined by the particular legislature , executive and judiciary concerned ; that although the Jamaican practice , particularly in relation to inconsistent previous statements , would normally be an acceptable means of achieving such fairness it did not extend to every situation in which fairness required the prosecution to make material available to the defence ; that where the prosecution intended a witness 's evidence to be based on his statement to the police and to deviate significantly from his deposition , the prosecution was under a duty to supply the defence with a copy of the statement before the trial ; and that , therefore , since the deceased 's husband and sister had given evidence inconsistent with their statements , and important testimony had been adduced from them which had not been foreshadowed in their depositions , the failure to disclose their statements to the defence constituted a material irregularity ( post , pp. 161H — 162A , B , B–C , 165C–E ) .
28 From them they had taken samples of mud and sediment under the ledges , for the bacteria .
29 Tales like this inspired him to go and explore for himself ; and apart from them he had another reason .
30 It was an oddly cold-blooded act to coax a large sum of money from someone she had no intention of marrying to buy a house she did n't intend to live in .
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