Example sentences of "but [Wh pn] never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 David was one of those frustrating , enigmatic footballers who perform brilliantly in opposition against you , but who never reproduce such quality of performance when they become a player at your club .
2 And what , he asks , will happen to the child who does not , bureaucratically speaking , have special educational needs but who never manages to get past Level 2 in any given attainment target ?
3 Even though she 'd been dead for so long it could sometimes seem that she was still with him , a presence in the next room , someone on the other side of a door who waited and listened but who never stepped through , except when he dreamed .
4 No one can ever know the fatality rate , the numbers of young inexperienced birds who are tempted to take on the flight across the North Sea , but who never make it .
5 ‘ Maybe what upset Dustin was that he knew that , although he was the better actor , Steve 's performance in Papillon was superior , ’ commented Norman Jewison , who had directed McQueen in The Cincinnati Kid and The Thomas Crown Affair , but who never worked with Dustin .
6 They insist that this group is ‘ nominal ’ , rather like Christians who go to church for the comfortable feelings they get , but who never put their faith into practice .
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