Example sentences of "but [that] they [be] " in BNC.

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1 But the problem with these groups is not that they 're wimps , but that they 're runts ; not that they 're vulnerable or soppy , but that they 're flimsy , What 's happened is that the perfectly valiant and appropriate refusal to grow up has become a refusal to grow , musically — to take on space , drift , experiment .
2 But the problem with these groups is not that they 're wimps , but that they 're runts ; not that they 're vulnerable or soppy , but that they 're flimsy , What 's happened is that the perfectly valiant and appropriate refusal to grow up has become a refusal to grow , musically — to take on space , drift , experiment .
3 What I hope ( and would like to think ) is happening is that the children are aware of the onlookers , but that they 're making a choice to stay in role ; that their engagement with the issues and the problems of the drama is what is keeping them intent on their work .
4 I mean the statement made today was that they 're not falling behind but that they 're not progressing .
5 Sometimes the tears come for no reason ( by which phrase we mean that someone is not crying for a particular reason , for something or someone in particular , but that they are crying for everything ) .
6 This does not necessarily mean that working-class boys commit more delinquencies , but that they are more likely to fall foul of the legal system .
7 Let me stress again that the shame is not that people have doubts , but that they are ashamed of them .
8 The weakness here is not that the assumptions are incorrect but that they are incomplete .
9 The trouble with most of the ‘ modern Christs ’ is not that they are anti-Christian but that they are unhistorical .
10 Our basic quarrel with them is not that they are unappealing ( for unquestionably , some of them are ) but that they are untrue .
11 The relevance of Christian thinking is that it puts certain limits on the market place , not on the basis that they are politically necessary to secure greater freedom in the market economy , but that they are right and desirable in themselves .
12 The actual tensile strength of ordinary glass and ceramics can be quite high ; the reason why we do not make motor cars , for instance , from them is not that they are weak but that they are far too brittle .
13 He stood more in the classical Christian tradition , which insisted that self-knowledge and knowledge of God are intimately connected , but that they are not at all the same thing .
14 To an outsider , though , the surprising thing is not that Spain 's conservatives are inching ahead but that they are making such heavy weather of it .
15 I do not think that the one is an extension of the other but that they are qualitatively different , with a different aetiology .
16 The connection between developmental considerations and sado-masochistic tendency would also explain , under these considerations , the fact that much of the tendency and resultant activity is sexual ( libidinally linked ) but that they are not inevitably so .
17 It looks not so much as if women are passively being forced into the arts and rejecting science , but that they are making very clear choices .
18 The most common criticism of the arts and the most strongly expressed , however , was that they are ‘ useless ’ , that is not so much that they are useless to society , but that they are useless to the individual .
19 We now know in fact that neither the proton nor the neutron is elementary but that they are made up of smaller particles .
20 In fact , it seems that neither the initial conditions nor the values of the parameters in the theory are arbitrary but that they are somehow chosen or picked out very carefully .
21 One would therefore have to believe that many or most of the observed particles such as gluons or quarks are not really elementary , as they seem at the moment , but that they are bound states of the fundamental N = 8 particles .
22 There are , however , many other situations in atomic and nuclear physics where there is some kind of barrier that particles should not be able to penetrate on classical principles but that they are able to tunnel through on quantum-mechanical principles .
23 When the arrears are payable , the presumption is that they are to be paid provided there are surplus assets available , whether or not these represent accumulated profits which might have been distributed by way of dividend , but that they are payable only to the date of the commencement of the winding up .
24 The opinion , which comes ten years after a joint opinion by Arden and Leonard Hoffman QC and which supersedes it , not only concludes that standards are likely to be accepted as authoritative by the courts but that they are likely to accept that that compliance with abstracts of the UITF ‘ is also necessary to meet the true and fair requirement ’ .
25 Pensioners are aware that they do not have to pay for ITV or any other channels but that they are called upon to pay for BBC television programmes .
26 Leaving aside the issue of sovereignty — not of the House but of the people to self-government — the devil of the single currency is not merely that the economies of the Community are simply not convergent and would be prevented from converging by a single currency , but that they are not all at the same point in their economic cycles .
27 We know that when NHS circulars are sent to trusts they are sent ’ for information ’ , but that they are sent ’ for action ’ to directly managed units .
28 ‘ Soon they feel not only that what they did was bad , but that they are intrinsically bad , too .
29 I know , but that they are
30 Conversely , the reason why readers of the lowbrow press had such strong preferences for television news was not that they were particularly dissatisified with their papers but that they were particularly enthusiastic about the quality of television .
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