Example sentences of "but [to-vb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But to see her like that would hurt my feelings and hurt our Izzat ( pride ) . ’
2 It is quite possible to keep a lone specimen but to see them at their best a group is preferable .
3 As soon as I see that a patient 's breathing pattern is changing dramatically or that the eye movement behind the closed lids is altering , I instruct him to be aware of and to understand all that is happening but to see it as if on a film or television screen , so that he is completely detached and feels no physical or mental distress whatsoever .
4 It was one thing for Miss Sally-Anne Tunstall , pampered beauty , to contemplate the horrors of poverty from the relative comfort of Vetch Street , but to see it in practice , that was quite another thing .
5 But to see it from this perspective is to distort it .
6 But to see it from this perspective is to distort it .
7 This situation needs resolution , but to compare it with the rape of Kuwait hardly strengthens your argument against Saddam .
8 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
9 ‘ The Parliamentary system is n't there to give people a say in how the country is run but to delude them into thinking they have some power .
10 A purpose of Clarkson 's History was thus not only to delineate a common pattern of consciousness but to promote it as a contribution to energising the internal networks of antislavery for future struggles .
11 Special schools are not therefore designed to isolate mentally handicapped children but to provide them with the specific form of education they require .
12 But to hide it from him ?
13 To recognize the value present in a situation ( he urges ) is not merely to have an attitude which someone else who conceives the ‘ factual character ’ of the situation in exactly the same way might lack , but to conceive it in a particular kind of way which could not be duplicated in someone not thus drawn to it .
14 If a power of appointment , either in law or in fact , is vested in trade unions , the effect is not only to arrogate to them rights attaching only to ownership , but to establish them in this particular matter as the constitutional equals of Parliament .
15 tendency if you talk about it you 'd be honest but to write it on a form you 'd be
16 How they used to ask him not to go to their posh prep school , but to meet them in the town .
17 De Gaulle had not set out to destroy the EEC , but to remould it in a more appropriate form , where the ‘ ambiguities ’ and ‘ mistakes ’ which he believed to be contained within the Treaty of Rome would be eliminated .
18 The counsellor 's task is not just to understand only one facet of the counsellee 's life , but to know something about the totality .
19 For such Catholic sixth forms or sixth form colleges , therefore , the challenge is not simply to be as good as the alternative but to exceed it in reputation and appeal .
20 His alternative was to increase the army 's number of permanent divisions from thirty-one to forty-seven , to maintain them at a relatively low level in peacetime , but to triple them in size on the outbreak of war .
21 But to conform them into Rule ,
22 Christians gravitated to Ireland not to impose their creed on others , but to immerse themselves in the teachings of the past — and to discover , in the seclusion and peace of the island , their own inner communion with their God , independent of hierarchical priesthoods .
23 I am not saying that natural energy flows do not exist , but to detect them alongside the multitude of artificial energy sources , and the thought forms of everyone who has visited or passed through the site , is likely to be confusing , to say the least .
24 The type of sampling used in the five community studies is quotasampling , and our main concern is not to claim absolute representativeness for the whole city , but to guard ourselves against the accusation that our informants might be hand-picked from amongst friends and neighbours — or , worse , from our students .
25 Instead Ford has decided not to pass the Government 's tax cut on to the motorist but to pour it into its own pockets and profits .
26 But to tackle him on the basis of a fleeting reflection was tricky .
27 Not only have the boundaries between them shifted with time , but to abstract them from their historical contexts can lead to artificiality as well as anachronism .
28 To abstract oneself from them , means to abstract from … the fundamental characteristic of the ‘ new economics [ since ] the fundamental , decisive relationship of production is the relationship of the working class leadership in production both towards every stratum of the proletariat taken separately and towards the technical intelligentsia … it is possible and permissible to abstract yourself from whatever you like , but to abstract yourself from that which determines the content of an historical production model is something not permitted to the Marxist .
29 It decided not to pay out the sums so received to individual solicitors as a sort of dividend but to apply them for the benefit of the profession as a whole .
30 Acclaiming him as one of the chief progenitors , the critics come not to bury but to praise him with faint damns .
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