Example sentences of "but [subord] she say " in BNC.

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1 But although she said it she could not be certain that it was true .
2 But if she says something to me about it I mean if she says something to me about it I 'm not gon na act surprised I 'll say oh yeah I 've heard .
3 I know , but like she says , she 's hair and everything is n't she ?
4 But like she said erm the Lord was with her was n't he ?
5 Not just because Jancey say you need helping , but because she say these are people who ai n't from round here .
6 She seemed embarrassed and muttered that her mother had given Terry the photograph , but before she said any more Mrs Redmond began to ask Joe about the war news .
7 She was often offered lifts , but when she said , thank you , but she was going for a walk , a pitying expression spread over the faces of the drivers .
8 She showed the dresses to Philip , who laughed at them , but when she said she would get something for them , quite a lot , shrugged , unwillingly respectful .
9 But when she said we were going by Concorde , that , to an engineering student , was it . ’
10 It was only the second time she had taken part and this race , taking less than ten minutes , had been a particularly fast one , but as she said , it was a family tradition to take part in it and she had really enjoyed it .
11 But as she said she she just had to she could n't stay in bed when she had kids running all over the place .
12 but as she said you if you make twenty arrangements and you sell half of them you just about break even with the flowers you 've bought to do them .
13 She is not very enthusiastic about the light rail proposals , but er she sees the park and ride as an excellent idea , but as she said , it 's not exactly inviting to leave your car in er a car park which is not necessarily big enough , which has n't got a proper surface , is n't properly lit , is n't supervised , has great big notices up that say there are thieves about , and where the bus service stops at half past six .
14 Of course , these are not the same sort of friends that she might have met on her débutante rounds or at Royal Ascot , but as she says , social class goes out the window beyond the prison walls .
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