Example sentences of "but [det] have been " in BNC.

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1 They had ‘ had sex ’ before , but each had been guarded .
2 Then the farmer admitted that there had been many applicants for the job already , but each had been driven out of the stall by the horse .
3 None is decayed , but each has been carefully flayed .
4 But that had been in the immediacy of action and as much to save himself as to save Gomez .
5 But that had been out of the question , of course .
6 But that had been , as she had then suspected and now knew , a device , a dream .
7 But that had been sixteen months ago and she was still here .
8 I did n't feel pain from the burns any more , but that had been replaced by a pain a thousand times worse .
9 But that had been a piercing of her body , a searing of her mind — but this encounter had been the captivation of her soul .
10 Granny had originally come to stay with us while her house was being fumigated but that had been months before and there was no excuse for her to continue living in our overcrowded home .
11 She had been a regular person once , but that had been before the voices started up in her head , before the dead woman got out of her rocking chair , before the preacherman reached into her mind and gave it a sharp twist …
12 But that had been seven months ago , a chill morning in mid-February , when the bushes which screened the canal walk from the neighbouring council estate had been tangled thickets of lifeless thorn ; when the branches of the ash trees had been black with buds so tight that it seemed impossible they could ever crack into greenness ; and the thin denuded wands of willow , drooping over the canal , had cut delicate feathers on the quickening stream .
13 But that had been for women with no man to protect them , so they had to do whatever they could and were respected for it .
14 There had been trouble there as early as April , but that had been dealt with for the king by Warwick 's brother John Neville .
15 But that had been before he had heard of the shootings .
16 But that had been all of thirty years ago , and very quickly these demands had multiplied , absorbing more and more time and energy , so that the moments of evening meditation were soon subsumed into the preoccupations and stresses of an active Christianity .
17 But that had been half a century ago , and now most Catholics and many priests were arguing against it .
18 The whole setup had been quiet , almost deserted ; there had been music playing , but that had been somewhere far-off in the house .
19 But that had been only the start : a test of the young man 's potential .
20 He seemed to have no sense of fear , but that had been easy in the days when the Party ruled supreme and there was no opposition .
21 But that had been pure chance .
22 But that had been thirty , almost forty years ago .
23 But that had been a long time ago .
24 But that had been before —
25 But that had been last month .
26 But that had been more than a dozen years ago , when Robbie 's family had been in better financial circumstances .
27 So often since then she had lain awake in the darkness aching for him … but that had been before the discovery of Sybil 's body and the awful , emotional turmoil that had followed .
28 It had officially been called the York Minster , or similar , but that had been too passé for Soho 's artist colony .
29 But that had been thirty years before , and the British were still there .
30 The earlier start had complicated matters slightly , but that had been remedied by flying a simple box pattern , by compass and clock , to lose time in the middle of the North Sea , as far as possible from either British or Luftwaffe fighters .
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