Example sentences of "but [adv] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But luckily he kept his distance and never quite found the courage to have a go at her .
2 At that point people were not giving much for his chances , but luckily he had no internal injuries .
3 It set fire to the sheets , but luckily he managed to put the flames out with some water . ’
4 Bob is still waiting to be summoned by Paisley Hospital , but luckily he has had very little trouble meanwhile .
5 But instinctively he knew that she needed gentle loving , the hard , penetrating loving would come later .
6 ‘ He had the chance to join every top club in the country , but thankfully he chose Spurs . ’
7 His nickname is Crash but thankfully he has never done that .
8 His face was chalk-white and wore a dazed expression , and the uniform he was wearing was crumpled and torn but thankfully he did n't appear to be badly injured .
9 McCallen had problems with the carburration and as a result he never really got into the final practice but unofficially he lapped at over 119 mph only three seconds behind the overall leader Carl Fogarty .
10 For a few years after his return to Edinburgh he prepared anatomical and pathological demonstrations in the Department of Anatomy , but latterly he withdrew from public affairs .
11 But mostly he responded with an angry grunt .
12 He makes ‘ Die Welt ’ and in it he tells of Zangwill who goes to make settlement in Uganda , but mostly he tells of your English government .
13 Sometimes Ken came too , or one of the boys if they were in the mood , but mostly he went by himself , trying to sort himself out .
14 But mostly he did not need to talk at a bunfight , people came up and talked to him , and he would nod his head and smile benevolently and say happily , Yes , Yes , Yes .
15 It was fear that locked his tongue , but mercifully he mistook it for pride , so its bitterness did not poison him .
16 But eventually he got a horse and cart , and he went into the fish trade .
17 The bag is difficult to get a hold on , but eventually he manages to secure a line to it and troops back up the road to the waiting vehicles .
18 It took George several hours to get used to the fact that I was deceitful and irresponsible , but eventually he agreed that we might as well get as good a price as we could — £10 , he thought , if they had n't spotted the broken springs .
19 His eloquence was somewhat impaired by the presence on the bed of the current mistress , the Roman Catholic Duchess of Portsmouth , but eventually he succeeded in having her removed and in persuading the King to send for the Queen to seek her forgiveness for the wrongs he had done her ; the King however kept putting off the administration of the Holy Sacrament , and Ken was removed from the room in Charles 's last hours as he was received into the Roman Catholic Church by a priest smuggled into the palace by his brother and successor , James II .
20 He desperately tried to pull strings with people he knew in Parma so that he would not be called up , but eventually he had to go .
21 The captain remonstrated , but eventually he had no option but to give it to her .
22 Throughout , he is quiet and well mannered , but eventually he walks out on them , at which they make a big scene .
23 Jobs were n't easy but eventually he fixed a slot as a night wire man at a Toronto press agency .
24 But eventually he found one that was almost empty with tall arch windows and broken tiles about the floor .
25 Most of them opened on to storerooms , or offices , which he was n't interested in , but eventually he found one door that opened into a chemical laboratory whose air was tangy with scents that irritated the nasal and throat passages .
26 At first he was associated with various Left-wing groups — anarchists , syndicalists — but eventually he joined the Socialist Party .
27 And when you think of a man earning about at the most two pounds ten shillings a week , one and sixpence was quite a sizable amount out of it , but eventually he paid it all off .
28 But secretly he spent much of his time and most of his clients ' money living the good life in America and Spain .
29 But secretly he loved the idea , and it gave him a great kick to tell his friends and business acquaintances that he was supporting his son on the amateur golf circuit .
30 But secretly he knows that Michael is right .
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