Example sentences of "but [adv] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Personally , I would think that Searle is not particularly concerned about ‘ intrinsic intentionality ’ ; but rather with what the machine or the organism as a whole can achieve , in making sense of the senses and of symbols .
2 Somehow it was n't as if he was laughing at her , but rather with her — against the world .
3 In regards to its nature , we shall be principally occupied , not with what Mind is felt to be by its possessor , but rather with its operations as apparent to an onlooker .
4 But perhaps with her looks she was n't the domesticated sort .
5 The concept of integration as a process implies teaching strategies which will enable children with special needs to learn not only alongside but together with their classmates .
6 And that 's why the E E F , not alone , but together with our colleagues in engineering employers ' organizations throughout Europe , German , the French , the Belgians , the Dutch , argued against the working time directive in its original form .
7 Our concern , however , is not with the difficulties of aesthetics , but only with what a critic writes of aesthetic experience , and how useful such an account may be .
8 FRANCIS Lee told crisis club Manchester City 's supporters and shareholders today : ‘ I 'm ready to help bring back the good times to Maine Road but only with your backing . ’
9 He is a very fine actor , but only with his face — his body is quite inexpressive , when he turns his back on the audience he loses all meaning . ’
10 It is like expecting them to see distant stars without the help of any binoculars or telescopes but just with their own native eyesight .
11 Of course his wife did visit me , but always with her daughters and other ladies who came for regular afternoon visits .
12 One was the woman , younger , but still with her Grecian hair and heavy make-up .
13 Early in the following year , with Daphne 's help , they bought a house , 24 Lyndhurst Road in Hampstead , North London , an area which attracted writers , painters , actors , a taste of bohemia and , most importantly , immigrants , especially from Eastern Europe , but still with its own Cockney Pearly King and Queen .
14 But still with you , neh ? ’
15 That " something " happened three hours later , when Martin , cold and tired but still with his Nikon FM2 and 300 mm lens around his neck , suddenly saw that the ship was about to explode .
16 The neck pickup was warm and fat , the middle slightly brighter but still with lots of depth ( ideal for clean rhythm playing ) , while the bridge unit was sharp enough to create a nice shimmer through an outboard chorus , but warm enough to solo with the amp overdriving slightly .
17 Sir Geoffrey , in a fashionable high-necked flannel undershirt leads his wife by the hand out from the niche , he inquisitive and she pensive , but both with their right foot firmly forward .
18 The Highlanders were very generous , not only with their bagpipe reeds but also with their wee drams .
19 They could do so again , especially now that they are in conflict not only with the West but also with their own leaders and with their mentors ( and military suppliers ) in Serbia .
20 ‘ The Hollow Men ’ is a hidden presence in Ash-Wednesday , not only with its desert landscape , but also with its ‘ twilight kingdom ’ and
21 The answer is that associative aspects of learning enable the individual to cope not only with its physical environment but also with its social environment .
22 This is a set of codes which deal not only with the formal aspects of a work of art but also with its iconography and iconology .
23 With good feedback so far , such programmes appear to be the way forward for a company concerned not only with its staff but also with its customers .
24 Southwell Minster is a very beautiful building , much of its exterior unchanged from Norman times but also with its unique thirteenth century interior work ( Chapter 2 ) .
25 John was delighted , not only with her considerable ability but also with her smallness , and put her into the Manchester Mites .
26 But also with it comes erm office accommodation which is handling the clerical processing , ordering and so on of the business itself .
27 Our hero then has to cope not only with a lively two year old but also with his burgeoning infatuation for a woman quite a few rungs above him on the social ladder .
28 But today with his mind too preoccupied to work he seemed quite unable to keep his hands off it .
29 But Steve would have hit her with the truth — not intentionally , he was n't cruel by nature , but simply with his down-to-earth approach to everything and everyone .
30 But even with her help I do n't concentrate properly in class , I just dream away the time , and then I ca n't answer the teacher 's questions . ’
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