Example sentences of "but [adv] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 It was very warm for Kirkistown and I lost concentration half way through , but luckily got it back together before the end . ’
2 It was very warm for Kirkistown and I lost concentration half way through , but luckily got it back together before the end . ’
3 But there were plenty of beautiful and recognisable faces to be seen amongst the anonymous , but none-the-less powerful , fashion editors , still enough buying power in this room alone to rock empires , even if no house made a profit from the couture but rather used it for a loss-leading advertisement and a mark of prestige .
4 Flaubert hesitated , being frightened of rabies ; but eventually accepted it .
5 RCA was initially keen to release ‘ Davni Chasy ’ from the Ukrainian LP but eventually agreed it would be a mistake for the band 's début single on a major label .
6 He was slightly perturbed by this but eventually found it very funny because rehearsals became very convivial .
7 Briefly , he raised the blaster , but swiftly lowered it again .
8 But for our last point we had to rely on being half-right about two issues : we rightly predicted a Common Market between the US and Canada — but wrongly thought it would also include Mexico and Venezuela ; and we predicted that unemployment would rise sharply in the West , causing more flexible working patterns — but were over-optimistic about the implications , seeing masses of people returning to school in middle life and then starting a new career .
9 Irishmen had long used it to denote ‘ complete ’ or ‘ permanent ’ , and Irish labourers brought it to Lancashire ; Turner did not invent the term , but merely gave it a new and more specialist application .
10 I did not acknowledge , but merely recorded it , as you instructed . ’
11 The court distinguished Hughes but obviously doubted it .
12 His face screwed up into what Delaney thought was pain , but suddenly realised it was an attempt at a grin .
13 After proctors of the lower clergy had objected in 1269 to being committed to a grant simply by the assent of the bishops , a council of prelates in the next year agreed on their own behalf to a subsidy of one twentieth for the king , but only extended it to the rest of the clergy after approval by diocesan synods .
14 She did n't want to swim this afternoon , but only said it was slight indigestion . ’
15 In 1804 , aged 22 , he moved to a clerical post in London but soon left it to study law in the city .
16 She allowed the idea of falling in love with him dance across her mind but soon dismissed it with a smile .
17 This does take a bit of sussing out , but once mastered it all makes sense .
18 He was fined £50 for breaching a local by-law but yesterday claimed it was everybody 's right to search for bait in a ruling dating back to the Magna Carta in 1215 .
19 But hardly had it reached our screens last July than it was plagued by troubles and controversy .
20 Hearing her own firmness doubted , she felt the beginnings of anger but quickly suppressed it .
21 The 1865 Salon did exhibit Manet 's Olympia but quickly moved it to a place that made viewing almost impossible for the public .
22 CONGLOMERATE Williams Holdings increased profits by £50m , but still insisted it could see ‘ no evidence of significant economic improvement ’ .
23 ‘ I know I 'm going to regret this , ’ I said , but still said it .
24 PREMIER John Major knew the Iraq arms embargo was being breached three years ago but still denied it , Labour claimed yesterday .
25 The government 's policy of gradual economic reform , which also emphasized increased foreign trade and investment , was modest in comparison with " shock " austerity programmes elsewhere in Latin America , but still lost it public support in the June 1990 congressional elections [ see p. 37529 ] .
26 He told the hearing in Chelsea , west London , auditors first thought £34,500 was missing but later realised it was a small fortune .
27 In interview , she at first denied being dishonest but later admitted it .
28 But later admitted it ? ’ she asked fatalistically .
29 She was upset , but later reflected it had n't been as bad as it could have been .
30 They put it on to tape and called it ‘ Cossachok ’ , but later gave it the proper title of ‘ Hopak ’ .
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