Example sentences of "but [adv] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 It was n't that Ice-T never got to meet the highly desirable Coffy , whose destruction of dope dealers took place to the accompaniment of a Roy Ayers score , but rather that he and Hinojosa failed to obtain the rights to a James Brown track from the movie Black Caesar .
2 At l'Estaque , Braque was working from nature but one feels that the forms in his painting have not been suggested by those of particular landscapes but rather that he has imposed on the natural scene his own austere , angular , almost geometrical form of vision .
3 Kemalpasazade sought the advice of Mueyyedzade who counselled him to feign acceptance of Hacihasanzade 's proposal ; and when , on the next day , the latter petitioned the sultan , Bayezid II , to appoint Kemalpasazade to a kadilik , Mueyyedzade intervened , speaking highly of Kemalpasazade 's abilities and asking that he not be wasted in a kadilik but rather that he be given the vacant Taslik medrese so that he might busy himself with the pursuit of learning .
4 It was not the case that he neglected domestic issues — least of all in the period 1963 – 65 — but rather that he saw them within the larger framework of France 's relations with the world .
5 He rejects the criteria favoured by Thompson not , of course , out of mere dogmatism , but rather because he believes that the self-consciousness of a class is not a crucial factor in explaining its birth and development .
6 He looked scared , not so much , Owen judged , because he was in the hands of the police but rather because he was in different surroundings from those he was used to , the modern , built-up , Europeanized part of the city and not the warren of tiny mediaeval streets he normally inhabited .
7 ‘ His underlying motive is that he wants to change the world , not so he can manage it , but so that he can make it a different place , ’ explains Charles Handy , who picked Gould out from a handful of students at the London Business School ‘ because he stood out in a group of people as by far the most interesting , and that was because he was determined to have control over his life ’ .
8 Philip Gould ( right ) : his underlying motive is that he wants to change the world , not so he can manage it , but so that he can make it a different place .
9 The point for Kojak will not be the relevance of the information , nor the nature of it , but merely that he has it and others do n't — that 's what makes it valuable and Kojak a computer stud .
10 It does not provide that no solicitor shall have any cause of action in respect of his costs or any right to be paid till the expiration of a month from his delivering a signed bill of costs , but merely that he shall not commence or maintain any action for the recovery of fees , charges , or disbursements until then .
11 Now , the mere sight of the cake crumbs floating on the tea has no particular effect on him , but suddenly when he actually tastes them he gets a strange feeling of excitement , a feeling almost of elation .
12 An eventful race for Derek Warwick brought the British driver ninth place but only after he had wiped off a nose cone on his Arrows when he tangled with Nelson Piquet 's Lotus .
13 Hamnett 's relationship with Bertelsen foundered early last year , but only after he had opened an extravagant shop the size of an aircraft hangar for her , designed by Norman Foster in trendy Brompton Cross , South Kensington .
14 Victory fell to the Roman commander Aetius , but only after he had desperately allied his legions with the forces of the Empire 's declared enemies , the invading Visigoths and Franks .
15 He made his gripe known to one of his superiors and the decision was changed , but only after he had , in his own words , ‘ kicked up a fuss ’ .
16 I do n't rightly know but only that he worked in a shop , a big shop , and he always wore a nice suit .
17 My Lords , section 87 does not stipulate that the successor must have resided at a particular house for 12 months but only that he should have resided with the deceased tenant for that period .
18 But only once he 's well enough to consider dealing with his brother . ’
19 I knew Leslie 's fastidiousness in sexual matters too well to take the poem literally , but only as he intended that I should : that though he had met many other girls on his leaves in Alexandria and Cairo , he still cared only for me .
20 But only if he beats Ivanisevic today and Courier loses his match with Chang .
21 They had offered him the position of editor in chief with , apparently , more direct control over the content of the paper , but only if he came off the Board .
22 Vaginal penetration ( screwing , fucking or bonking ) , but only if he has a condom on his penis .
23 Anal penetration ( going up the arse ) but only if he has a condom on his penis .
24 ‘ To see Mr Hauser , but only if he 's free … ’
25 But only if he agrees .
26 It referred to a note which he 'd included with the Firearm Certificate application form and the fee , saying that he ( Sampson ) had a chance at a Weatherby Magnum Deluxe rifle at a price that was madness , but only if he could wrap the deal up within a few days .
27 He asked if he could stay with them , and eventually they agreed that he could , but only if he worked .
28 A Mandela book might attract many of these readers , but only if he wants to write it .
29 But only if he asks me nicely !
30 Michael Croggon 's studies could help save the Amazonian rain forests … but only if he can find the money to fund his own daily care .
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