Example sentences of "but [adv] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The question addressed in the judgment was not whether the use of atomic weapons generally was forbidden , but rather whether the particular bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were illegal under international law at that time ( Collier , 1979 , pp. 6–7 ; Falk et al . ,
2 But rather that the time and thought put into it had somehow polluted me .
3 For these reasons it seems that it is not so much that people are making more of a fuss about bereavement these days but rather that the traditional ways of coping with it are not readily available , so that alternative ways of supporting people have to be found .
4 Although some of the Roman cattle of the time were indeed large , with long lyre-shaped horns , the archaeological evidence does not in fact suggest that larger stock were imported into Roman Britain , but rather that the increase in size was probably the result of improved management and breeding of the existing British cattle .
5 Not that I wanted to play chess nor even to frighten the good citizens of Budapest with a glimpse of my bare cadaver — my bathing trunks now also fell off me — but rather that the idea of a character — perhaps fleeing from something or someone — standing in those steaming baths moving queens and pawns , fitted perfectly into the outline I had .
6 This did not mean a slavish copying of mediaeval motifs , but rather that the style would provide a basis from which a future architecture would develop , using modern materials and techniques .
7 The surprise is not that an accountant stands for Labour while an iron and steel worker is an Alliance candidate , but rather that the class basis of the two sets of candidates is so distinct .
8 He did not maintain that there should be a return to the precise conditions of the primitive Church , but rather that the Church of England 's belief and practice were compatible with them .
9 This is not indicative of a urinary problem , but rather that the dog is using its urine to mark its new territory .
10 I am not arguing that moral rights get their sole authority from contiguous laws , although they can , but rather that the existence of such laws , having been passed in a deliberative and ultimately democratic manner and being constantly under test by the legislature , is evidence that these types of transaction are important enough for the maintenance of civilised life as to require such formal recognition .
11 It is not just that beetles and mice are pests ( we might have said the same of ladybirds and the pursuit of wildfowl ) , but rather that the relative similarity of the larger mammals to ourselves materially affects our thinking and is reflected in our instinctive responses .
12 This is not to say that even at this stage Edward 's principal war aim was the throne of France , but rather that the most effective way of bringing pressure to bear on Philip was to subvert the provinces and establish English military bases there .
13 When conduct on the part of a government or some other public body is dubbed ‘ unconstitutional ’ , what is often meant is not necessarily that the law has been broken , but rather that the action is out of keeping with the style or , more broadly , the ‘ way of life ’ of a country …
14 While accepting the Comintern classification of Latin American agrarian structures as ‘ feudal ’ or semi-feudal , he maintained that what was happening in Latin America was not that capitalism was superseding feudalism , but rather that the two systems tended to coexist .
15 ‘ We do not want to give the impression that employees who have a drinking problem will lose their job , but rather that the Company is now in a position to help them without losing job security .
16 Thus it is intended that there will be no ‘ phase 3 pilots ’ but rather that the development phase will end with the phase 2 pilots , to be followed immediately by progressive implementation of the new operational system .
17 There is a rich variety of different forecasting procedures , and it is now generally accepted that no one method is ‘ best ’ in every situation , but rather that the choice depends on various practical considerations .
18 The memorandum also said that the UNTAC should not be a peacekeeping force , but rather that the Cambodian parties should exercise self-restraint .
19 All this is not to suggest that political advantage has not had and does not have any effect on the conduct of macro policy , but rather that the evidence and theory presented is consistent with its having a small rather than dominating impact .
20 Of course , a rule permitting the directors to defend the company from a poorly-managed predator would be perfectly coherent ( and might be desirable ) , but this would not be because the entity has an intrinsic significance that merits protection , but rather because the rule would serve the rational purpose of protecting the interests of groups other than the shareholders who would be adversely affected by a change in control .
21 Trotsky ( 1971 ) suggested that fascist governments emerge not where class forces are ‘ balanced ’ , but rather when the bourgeoisie has already lost its battle with the working class ; only in these circumstances will capitalists concede a very high level of autonomy to a fascist political party or social movement which they can not control .
22 The comparison is relevant as people perceive noise not so much in terms of its absolute level but rather as the relationship of the noise to what exists normally .
23 We need to see teaching , therefore , not as the transmission of pre-existing knowledge to passive recipients , but rather as the provision of opportunities for children to continue to exercise their in-built drive actively to make sense of their experience and , thereby , to gain understanding of , and control over , the world in which they live .
24 Nizan 's refusal to empathise fully with his fictional characters was consequently envisaged not as part of a global strategy to adapt the novel to the demands of contemporary social experience , but rather as the ideological inability of a communist novelist to engage in a complicity judged by Sartre to be a fundamental aspect of the novelist 's art .
25 But presumably if the ‘ good ’ schools became , as a result of their location , their examination results , or by some other means , identifiable in the eyes of parents , then these schools would have to become selective .
26 This is not because the necessary legal result could not have been achieved using a legacy , but presumably because the composite wording creates a presumption that a trust was intended .
27 The emergence of more professional search consultants coincided with the increased need for headhunting services to help rationalisation and reorganisation ; but arguably as the search industry was maturing , headhunting could attract better-qualified candidates , and as their earnings rose and headhunting became more profitable , executive search was increasingly being seen as a viable alternative to a line-management job .
28 I know it sounds silly , but perhaps if the ceilings was lower it would look big
29 ( 2 ) … in relation to an institution in respect of which a payment falls to be made under section 58(2) above any reference in this Act to a depositor 's protected deposit is a reference to the liability of the institution to him in respect of — ( a ) the principal amount of each sterling deposit which was made by him with a United Kingdom office of the institution before the making of the administration order and which under the terms on which it was made is or becomes due or payable while the order is in force ; and ( b ) accrued interest on any such deposit up to the time when it is or becomes due and payable as aforesaid ; but so that the total liability of the institution to him in respect of such deposits does not exceed £20,000 .
30 It is interesting that the Secretary of State does not claim that he has a majority of public opinion on his side but merely that the very large majority against trust status was ill informed and listened to Labour propaganda .
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