Example sentences of "but [adj] in the " in BNC.

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1 Berbizier 's new look garçons , short on height but strong in the arm , dominated the close-quarter forward combat , but a steady stream of set-piece gave Wales the lifeline they craved .
2 It 's a kind of egocentric model , not in the everyday sense of egocentric , that is selfish , but egocentric in the sense that it starts with ego as its reference point .
3 She regretted it almost immediately , for the boys looked embarrassed , not ashamed of themselves , as they should have been , but shy in the face of a tasteless demonstration .
4 Their caution was well-founded , for several pyres stood ready but unlit in the cemetery , and several members of the Secte Rouge , wearing cross-belts of sisal rope , guarded the place with wicked-looking machetes .
5 Mobutu said that presidential elections , which should have been held before the expiry of his term of office at midnight that day , had not taken place " for reasons beyond our control but inherent in the dynamics of the process of democratization " .
6 Also unfortunate perhaps , but acceptable in the context of the building 's new use , was the demolition of the Art Deco ablutions block for ‘ Boys ’ and ‘ Girls ’ wrapped around the west elevation .
7 A little mean with his possessions , a little dull in the boardroom — but exciting in the bedroom ! ’
8 The weather in general was very cool at night but warm in the daytime , hence the necessity of dressing in layers .
9 Dennis , 53 , rushed to investigate and found milkman David Roberts sitting petrified but unhurt in the wreckage .
10 Variation in reproductive success should be greater in males than females in polygynous species but similar in the two sexes in monogamous ones .
11 SNH presents a different sort of technical challenge , but similar in the aim of extending the roles and responsibilities of the teams , and he is looking forward to it .
12 Tracking down a Lynx is hard enough in New York , but impossible in the UK .
13 Not recorded in the NVC , but present in the Uists according to Pitkin et al.
14 They should not be regarded as simply a last resort , but involved in the consultation process surrounding possible action to prevent risk to employees .
15 Bonelli 's eagle is a small eagle widespread but uncommon in the deserts of the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia .
16 The vegetables , not well-cooked , lay hard but neat in the Crown Derby dish .
17 Mean while the burglar is running for his life in the opposite direction , cursing his luck but safe in the knowledge that he will live to steal another day .
18 When the wind is strong , which it can be for several days in a row , sailing is brisk but safe in the local sheltered area .
19 You 're dark-skinned , you 're small and wiry , and you 'll be sweet but wholesome in the costume .
20 It was night now and I turned for home , an awestruck child again , but joyful in the new world of understanding that had supplanted the dark , African fears .
21 The abbot of Fécamp put the same question to Ivo of Chartres , who produced the text of Pope Hyginus , misquoted by Anselm but available in the Canon Law collection of Burchard of Worms .
22 But implicit in the history of the First Amendment is the rejection of obscenity as utterly without redeeming social importance . ’
23 The court decided that the leaflet was not sufficiently misleading to justify finding in the Borough 's favour ; but implicit in the court 's decision is a further decision that the court had jurisdiction to decide the issue of legality — in other words , that the decision to distribute the leaflet was amenable to judicial review .
24 There was a detective inspector , a thickset man of about his own age , athletic-looking but red in the face and with reddish hair , and a detective sergeant , a bit younger , dark with a wedge-shaped rodent face , a beanpole of a man .
25 It may be that these differences in proliferative organisation between the skin and oesophagus explain why metaplasia and cancer are relatively rare in response to contact carcinogens in the former but common in the latter epithelium .
26 Matters get more complicated still when it becomes evident that a group of students may well be inventing them both as an assignment for a creative writing course , until the students admit that they too are ‘ a pack of lies dreamt up by the unreliable narrator in love with the zeroist author in love with himself but absent in the nature of things , an etherised unauthorised other ’ ( 155/733 ) .
27 A survivor had been claimed from the entangled vehicles on the motorway : a tot of three months , found orphaned but unscathed in the wreckage .
28 All-pervading for a short period but ephemeral in the long term .
29 Small coastal summer ponds are rare on the mainland but plentiful in the maritime and peripheral Antarctic regions .
30 That leaves us with modes of a 1 ' and e " symmetry , which are forbidden in the IR but active in the Raman .
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