Example sentences of "but [modal v] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Alright let's review at but let's make a decision on Friday about what we do on the shift pattern on Monday .
2 But let's toss a few images about to gauge the potential extent of U2 's mesmerising all-round appeal .
3 But let's have a look at the details of this delightful halfbreed .
4 But let's have a look , as they say in a certain quiz show , at what he turned down .
5 So I 'm not opposed to a new settlement , but let's have a very sensible approach to the question of sustainability and viability , journeys to work , er okay six to ten miles is not too much , but we can do better than that .
6 But let's have a look at all the all of the design .
7 But let's propose a statement , which through the county treasurer 's report in any detail today , it 's already been to all service committees and I 'm sure you 're very familiar with it 's contents .
8 We 'll come back to that in a minute , but let's say a rocket , or a car , which would you prefer that do ?
9 Loss of auditory stimulation at birth or shortly after is therefore not simply a loss of some hearing experience , but may create a loss of potential auditory processing at a later stage .
10 N.B. This may seem a very simple construction in English , but may represent a trouble spot where a different device is used in the target language to mark the sequence of events .
11 They give the good speller a chance to use his skill , but may depress a poor speller .
12 A distortion of the market in this way not only impedes the allocative efficiency of the market but may have a bearing on public confidence in the stock market ; this may in turn adversely affect market liquidity .
13 This introduces a new avenue of analysis into Marxist writings ; it opens the possibility of recognising that social and political systems may not operate solely on the basis of objective laws but may have a degree of freedom driven by the individual , group and elite perceptions .
14 The potential pathogenicity of free radicals has been emphasised by recent work which suggests that reactive oxygen metabolities are not just one of a number of mediators and cytokines involved in the inflammatory process in inflammatory bowel disease but may have a pivotal role by initiating the expression of genes controlling may other aspects of the inflammatory , immune , and acute phase response , by activation of the transcription factor NF-kΒ .
15 It appears not to be input-specific but may provide a generalized boost to impulse traffic .
16 Sparta 's designs on Thessaly and central Greece date from the time of Kleomenes I of Sparta ( in the late sixth and early fifth centuries ) : Pindar 's bracketing of Sparta and Thessaly is not random , but may celebrate a deal between Kleomenes and the Thessalian Aleuads .
17 Many French dishes are basically simple but may take a long time to prepare in the traditional way .
18 These experiments are at much lower energies than at CERN , but should give a clearer signal as there is little complication from background .
19 The teacher does not need to know exactly what will happen and can not usefully plan a story line very far ahead , but should give a great deal of thought to the organisation of the lesson : How will groups be divided ?
20 Such posts would be funded by the Department of Employment but should have a consultative link with bodies such as local trades councils and chambers of commerce .
21 A kilogram or two of surgical plaster or plaster-of-Paris depending on the size of the housing ( you can buy powdered plaster at a chemist 's shop ) ; a dish to act as a mould for casting the plaster block-the dish can be any size from 10 cm × 20 cm up to about 20 cm × 20 cm , but should have a flat bottom and sides that slope slightly outward ; a sheet of glass to cover the housing ; a sheet of black cardboard ; Plasticine ; small blocks of wood or small plastic boxes ( the round boxes used for typewriter ribbons are very suitable ) ; cotton-wool .
22 These will vary according to the weather and demand , but should include a visit to Wieliczka , famous for its salt miles which have been in existence since the 13th century .
23 Electrophysiological assessment should not be limited to programmed ventricular stimulation but should include a comprehensive evaluation of sinus node , AV node , and His-Purkinje function .
24 It means that social science should not be seen as developing a stock of knowledge about an object which is external to us , but should develop a critical self-awareness in people as subjects and indeed assist in their emancipation .
25 ‘ They should be rewarded when things are going well but should take a financial hit when the chips are down . ’
26 For a small screw pitch the effective inertia of the load is reduced and the motor can accelerate rapidly , but must attain a high stepping rate to compensate for the small increments of linear movement produced by each motor step .
27 They can get up again , but must make a T test or else acquire the black plague .
28 To trigger this test the magic effect can be from any source ( item or spell ) , but must have a clear , easily discernable effect ; an Aura of any type does n't count , but a Flight spell would , even though it is not directly threatening .
29 The haulier will not necessarily know from week to week what products are to be transported — if any — but must have a range of vehicles available to cover all eventualities .
30 The little trees in the hedges on each side of the path reached out to each other across it like the opposing factions at a wedding : the families of the bride and groom which will never be united but must maintain a truce , unnaturally bound by the exigent complicity of the couple .
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