Example sentences of "but [adv] because [det] " in BNC.

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1 The reception committee of mothers was always waiting , partly out of maternal duty , but mostly because those ten minutes on the village green filled the same gossiping function as ten minutes at the village pump had for earlier generations .
2 Nicky was assured — even worldly — and , in the early stages of their friendship , used his confidence to put Constance in her place — not because of any particular need to bully her but merely because that was how he had always treated his girlfriends .
3 I withdraw the commendation that I gave the hon. Gentleman , but only because that is damaging his political career .
4 Er because er but only because that will oh , no i i er does , does the development of a rich peasant economy itself promote equality ?
5 Some of the businesses were commercially successful , but only because those involved in owning and running them had invested life savings and borrowed substantially .
6 Again , we choose Oxford , but only because this is usually given as the place of publication for Oxford University Press books .
7 I got another erm magazine but only because this one had erm a special supplement all about the Alliance and Leicester explaining about mortgages and everything
8 Among the professional politicians there could be little opposition , partly because the key men had been arrested but largely because all attempts to rouse the people made by those still at liberty failed dismally .
9 Patients requiring intensive care are at greater risk of nosocomial infection not only because their illness is severe but also because many therapeutic interventions actively promote colonisation or disable host defences .
10 However , it would be unwise to rely on the initiatives of local authorities alone , because of the severe financial restrictions under which they operate ( I found out today for example that Edinburgh District Council 's ENTIRE budget for maintainance of paths and bridleways amounts to only £5,000 per year ) , but also because many routes of interest to cyclists coincide with trunk road routes , which are D o T responsibility .
11 But also because such violence can have some hegemonic justification — derived in Ireland from the threat of the alternative alliance — the beliefs too must be scrutinized for their contribution , religious beliefs as well .
12 This was not simply from poverty but also because such times were often associated with longer hours of working , which pressurised leisure .
13 The seat next to him is usually left empty , partly for weight and C of G considerations , but also because some of the aircraft have dual controls .
14 This is not only because law and morality are related , but also because some costs ( eg. the loss of confidence in the markets ) are incapable of being quantified .
15 The law can not only be condemned for being ‘ unnecessary ’ but also because those who formulate and publicly defend it are ‘ hypocrites ’ .
16 The section on the chemistry of gasication is not so definitive partly because the temperature gradient , which varies according to fuel and gasifier design , affects both the position of chemical equilibria and the relative rates of different reactions within the gasifier but also because few experimental results are available for interpretation .
17 This may be appropriate , not only because hospital beds are usually expensive but also because most people prefer to be looked after in the community .
18 Asian countries remain dependent not only because the intellectual property system is controlled by the West but also because most of the major knowledge infrastructures are located in the West .
19 The lysosome is called a ‘ suicide bag ’ said Prof Mayer , not only because it digests any waste materials by the use of powerful enzymes but also because this cocktail can kill off the cell .
20 Many animal killers like their prey to writhe and scream , not because they are sadistic but simply because that is the way they can ensure that they are about to eat fresh , healthy food .
21 But until we study the life cycles of animals in fine detail , we can not know precisely which creatures depend upon what ; and many a creature has been wiped out not because its entire habitat has disappeared , but simply because some favoured site has been obliterated .
22 He was , perhaps , more powerfully so , and not merely as a matter of proximate generation but precisely because such strenuous efforts had been made to exclude him .
23 This was partly for ease of administration by the development officers who had to take into account the cost of all the services received by the elderly person when designing a package of care , but primarily because this was a new initiative : by enabling the development officers to take on difficult and complex cases without being unduly restricted by considerations of cost , it was hoped to test the limits to this form of community care .
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