Example sentences of "but [adv] for the " in BNC.

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1 Strenuous laybacking for 40 feet or so brings better holds , allowing exhilaratingly steep bridging , and the whole rope will have run out by the time you pull onto the platform at the top , all too soon for the fit , but thankfully for the tired or those leading at their limit , as I was on this occasion .
2 Recent surveys in the Lake District have shown that the majority of visitors do not come for these ‘ tourist attractions ’ but rather for the fresh air and breathtaking scenery .
3 I quote the case of my own area of the Wirral , again not because it is unique , but rather for the very opposite reason .
4 Therefore , the businessmen on our list have been chosen not merely for their money-making skills , but rather for the influence they can bring to bear .
5 ( i ) The plaintiffs challenge the validity of the section 39 notice , on the footing that it was not issued for the purpose of the Bank exercising its own supervisory functions under the Act , but rather for the purpose of enabling the U.S. Federal Reserve Board to pursue its own inquiries in relation to its own functions as the U.S. regulatory authority ; it is also contended that the notice is defective in form .
6 The pluralist discussing large-scale societal issues of this sort does not argue for decisional methods or observation of group interaction but rather for the supposedly inevitable , though always incomplete , diffusion of central values , so that understanding political power is a matter of charting the spread or decline of these values .
7 On the other hand , we certainly are not looking for the bland , but rather for the anodyne which is also intriguing and interesting and has a sense of positive enthusiasm . ’
8 But right for the wrong reasons .
9 After primary fermentation the beer is stored ( the German word is ‘ lagered ’ ) for a short time but rarely for the month or more that is standard abroad .
10 There was much sympathy for the aims of the action , but little for the way it was pursued .
11 But perhaps for the particular plot you have arrived at , the particular murder you have in mind , a good deal will have to be told to the reader about pre-murder events .
12 Not every cell is affected , but enough for the lungs to work efficiently .
13 The balance within the militarized police forces tilted the other way : of some 68,000 Civil Guards and Assault Guards , 60 per cent remained loyal : surprisingly in view of the former 's reputation as the hammer of the rural poor , but crucially for the early failure of the rising in many places .
14 I would like to thank you all for your presence — in both senses of the word , but especially for the smiling faces I see in front of me .
15 The financing of export contracts can be difficult and risky for all involved in international trade but especially for the less experienced .
16 The ruler line shows the length of the typing line , and also the positions of tabs , indents and the break mark ( eg see Task 26 ) ; but only for the paragraph the cursor is in .
17 In fact it took a revolutionary medical technique for Ian to be able to play again , but only for the Palace Reserves , for the first team were , at that time at least , more than holding their own in Division One .
18 The crisis was over , but only for the moment .
19 But only for the first day or so ; after a week I ca n't wait to return to Koraloona . ’
20 This duly transpires , but only for the more serious offenders .
21 ‘ 2(1) The powers of the Director under this section shall be exercisable , but only for the purposes of an investigation under section 1 above , or , on a request made by the Attorney-General of the Isle of Man , Jersey or Guernsey , under legislation corresponding to that section and having effect in the Island whose Attorney-General makes the request , in any case in which it appears to him that there is good reason to do so for the purpose of investigating the affairs , or any aspect of the affairs , of any person .
22 However , longer Morse sequences yielded an advantage for the left ear , but only for the experienced operators .
23 The All Indonesia Labour Federation ( FBSI ) , a tame ‘ yellow ’ union created by the Suharto regime , signed a collective labour agreement with Caltex , but only for the small elite of core workers .
24 It would be nice to have it in the bill , Hurd told MPs , but only for the sake of ‘ completeness and tidiness ’ .
25 Knight became aware in April last year that Betts was producing the assembly for L'Oreal , but only for the European market .
26 You 're certainly welcome to take any drinks through to lunch with you , whatever you want , but tonight for the dinner we 've there is wine provided so there 's no need to take drink through .
27 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
28 Mr Winchester predictably proves his case for part of the Pacific rim , from Japan round to California , but not for the whole circumference — and certainly not for the islands dotted in the Basin , despite the charming Western Samoan girl who takes his bags at Los Angeles airport and quotes Robert Louis Stevenson to him .
29 The contra cause was fired by reverence , both among the rebel leaders and their American sponsors , for democracy in its raw form , not far from anarchy : for freedom of action and impulse , for the right to take up arms and set up companies , but not for the constraints of legislatures or even , much , for the damp blanket of different opinions .
30 Years previously , as a probationary cadet at Harrogate , and later at O.C.T.U. , he had said that he would like to make a success of soldiering , but not for the sake of prestige or promotion .
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