Example sentences of "but [adv] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 Such an interpenetration of analysts ' and actors ' theorising does not , of course , imply that spokesmen read and use sociological works ; some may do , but most probably do not .
2 Autumn passage may start in July , but most usually does so in August , and peak numbers are most commonly found in September .
3 Almondsbury found another gear after the interval and kept Didcot 's defence on overtime , but so well did they play , goal keeper Andy Tucker was rarely troubled .
4 Problems may still remain , but so also does a landscape and people that make a visit something to savour .
5 The legends are screen-printed on , that 's one better than stick-on , but so badly done in some cases that it 's a toss up as to which is the worst method !
6 Not only did the number of wealthy native industrialists , merchants , bankers and insurance dealers swell , but so too did the ranks of humble businessmen , small-scale manufacturers , self-employed artisans , petty traders and shopkeepers .
7 The number of aspiring candidates increased in the 1970s , but so too did the number of seats fought .
8 Yet the campaigns of the 1340s and 1350s do not seem to have generated such political tension at home : victory and profit undoubtedly provide part of the explanation , but so too do changes in the methods of military recruitment and a conciliatory approach on the part of the king to the question of taxation .
9 The jail demands not only that the prisoners change , but so too do the prison officers .
10 United are in the middle of the table — they need to win tomorrow but so too do Watford — their only win has been against Brentford in the coca cola cup
11 But so graphically did her words convey her love and concern for them that , reading it aloud , both were reduced to tears .
12 Sometimes people have reason to undertake them , but only exceptionally does one do wrong in not undertaking them .
13 But only internally do we know that .
14 Legal action was also promised by the Government but only belatedly did the Minister for the Arts pursue the matter under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 .
15 I sometimes turn the possibility of this over in my mind , but only rarely does a suitable piece of information present itself .
16 ‘ I 've — finished with him , yes , ’ she told him stiffly , ‘ but only now do I realise that Travis will always be someone special for me . ’
17 He had longed to be reunited with his family from the moment he had learned of his father 's demise — but only now did he recognize the depth of his longing .
18 But only now did she have confirmation of the full extent of her betrayal by Urquhart .
19 Then a bit later , but not well do n't do it when we are gon na go to sleep because cos we end ups tal talking about who 's dad 's got the biggest plonker !
20 But the car now proved obedient , and the north-east London suburbs received her , soothing her as they usually but not invariably did with their eloquent monotony , their repetitive regularities , street after street of semi-detached houses , their lights lit , their curtains drawn , their television sets humming , their inhabitants safe within .
21 But not only does the framing of the existing social services date back twenty years already .
22 Wouters turns Caxton 's famous quotation on its head and says ‘ things formerly forbidden are now allowed ’ , but not only does he not go into detail as to what these things might be , he certainly does not suggest that ‘ things now allowed are actively engaged in ’ .
23 But not only does it have some , it has some astonishing rarities .
24 But not only do they have to be tough motorists … they also have to be skillful photographers and writers too .
25 But not only did the war raise the question of state power and economics ; for Bukharin and the Bolsheviks it signalled the beginning of the end of imperialist capitalism , the first act in the collapse of the system as a whole , a collapse that had been hotly debated in the pre-war Marxist movement in Europe .
26 But not only did she see herself , small , sitting there ; she also saw through herself ( because the telescope , with its hollow inside , was her ) and she saw that she was hollow .
27 There was some glow from the tiny window on the half-landing above and behind him , but not enough to do much for the hallway ; the sliver of light under his door was hard-edged , bright , unmistakeable .
28 The worst Jerome could do , perhaps , but not enough to do his quarry much harm . ’
29 Murray ( SDLP ) picked up transfers from all parties but not enough to do better than to become runner-up .
30 In some of these cases the collaborative style was really withdrawal , and such was the tension and confusion generated by the participants claiming to be working together but not really doing so , that it would have been better to drop the pretence and designate the practice withdrawal .
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