Example sentences of "but [adv] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 This is an easy way to have a number of gliders wrecked by the wind , but luckily it does not occur very often .
2 Obviously cock-ups like this we can well do without , but thankfully it does n't detract from the game too much .
3 Perth has a wonderful setting , and Sydney is beautiful with a really cosmopolitan bustle , but thankfully it does not have the enormous traffic jams which characterise so many cities of this type .
4 His face was chalk-white and wore a dazed expression , and the uniform he was wearing was crumpled and torn but thankfully he did n't appear to be badly injured .
5 But mostly he did not need to talk at a bunfight , people came up and talked to him , and he would nod his head and smile benevolently and say happily , Yes , Yes , Yes .
6 We disagree quite strongly at national level and international level , but locally we do n't .
7 But eventually she did .
8 It was an absolute brute but eventually I did manage to dig it all out .
9 But perhaps we do n't really know enough and we do n't know where to go for information , I mean I do n't know er I , I I 'm not an expert but there are experts here , how would you assess the services available to people who feel they do need help , or for people who perhaps do n't know they need help ?
10 We dare not ask for the grace of humility , but perhaps we do n't need to when it is so often thrust upon us , thought Sophia , beating together eggs and sugar for a sponge cake , knowing that her cake would not rise as high as Sister Dew 's .
11 Praise Him for ever ! ’ until she stopped suddenly and murmured , ‘ But perhaps I do n't quite know the Lord yet . ’
12 But perhaps I did n't make myself clear .
13 But perhaps you do n't remember how he hated that life , and what a state it got him into .
14 But perhaps you do not see the same thing as I do .
15 But perhaps you do need to question the motives of some people who report these alleged incidents . ’
16 But perhaps you do n't need that sort of thing in the old lee-gitimate theayter .
17 It 's not so rough as some things , it 's not so rough as rugby but perhaps you do n't mind being a bit rough do you ?
18 But perhaps he does n't want to change till cos she 'll
19 She 'd thought Nevil fancied her , but perhaps he did n't !
20 But perhaps he did .
21 But perhaps she did n't have to miss it after all .
22 But perhaps someone did — does — fancy Mme Wyatt .
23 I mean I did n't know that many men died of breast cancer but apparently they do .
24 and er , but apparently they did a , they did a test and that was also a package where the stuff like that , transfer although those three may of been carrying weapons , they split open the policeman , but this does seem to basically at , well not no , not indiscriminately they did n't say that but they shot innocent people , I mean like I said well the I mean that 's got to kill in those streets and stuff the ricochet 's can go quite easily go through somebody but there , there was , there 's always been claims er , there 's no I R A gunmen there
25 I tackled the manager , standing warmly in the foyer , as to why he wanted people to die of hypothermia in his precincts , but apparently he did n't make the rules .
26 There was an atmosphere that was almost crackling in this room and she was sure that Jules would notice , but apparently he did not .
27 It 's Sleet that should be interesting you but apparently it does n't .
28 It is unclear whether the Act applies to trespass to the person but apparently it does .
29 But obviously we do n't sell anything like knives or firearms which have criminal overtones . ’
30 erm but obviously we do cover the parts that are listed on pages two and three of all of our booklets , and depending on the premium that 's paid depends on the coverage issues .
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