Example sentences of "but [pron] be her " in BNC.

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1 Ultimately , I decided that this was not getting us anywhere , but I was her last hope .
2 The dashing major declared : ‘ I have heard rumours but I was her riding tutor — and that was all . ’
3 Yeah but you 're her grandparents are n't you ?
4 She wished more than anything that she could say yes , or at least explain that if it had been left to her she would have come with all the will in the world , but there was her mother .
5 She was uneasy about Mr Major then but he is her darling now .
6 What he 'd done was wrong , but he was her brother .
7 He manages to penetrate the fastness of the dark lord disguised in a wolfskin , while she is hidden in the garment of a bat ; but it is her own enchantments , her beauty and her songs , which ultimately defeat the evil one .
8 Of course everyone knows to which general she belongs , but it is her eyes , her ears and her discernment that have to be relied upon .
9 Many have been filmed : Hitchcock 's The Birds , Nicholas Roeg 's Do n't Look Now , but it is her novel Rebecca we associate with du Maurier — that moody , mysterious tale of the second Mrs de Winter , of Manderley and Mrs Danvers .
10 She came to St Bartholomew 's Hospital to be operated on , but it 's her mind that interests me .
11 We do n't want her to go back but it 's her decision .
12 And I know he 's nasty to Auntie Lou sometimes but it 's her own fault because she lets him be .
13 ‘ I do n't know how … but it 's her brother . ’
14 Normally my housekeeper would be there , but it 's her weekend off . ’
15 But it 's her bitch of a mother .
16 But it 's her house I mean they ai n't got no chi children or feel like saying to her whatever do you keep him there for .
17 It did open , at seven minutes past , but it was her father who entered the kitchen .
18 A van was coming towards her from Stowbridge , but it was her daddy 's old one !
19 Her mother had filled her early childhood with wonderful memories of picnics and riding ponies and of a stream of smiling schoolfriends who were always made welcome , but it was her father to whom she 'd felt closest .
20 But it was her North African journeys that were to give her two short stories , and she wrote with enthusiasm of the beautiful tajines she had eaten in Morocco .
21 But it was her vocal anti-meat stance that turned the country establishment 's down-home snub into redneck outrage .
22 But it was her last film and after that I had to make do with Jean Simmons in Desirée .
23 Things did n't grow very well in it because it was in shadow and Patsy was n't much of a gardener , but it was her own , and nobody ever touched it , any more than they ever went into her room .
24 But it was her identity , she said , it was all she had , and she went on putting a caste mark which she had no right to on her forehead and wearing all her gold bracelets and cooking sag ghosht and dal instead of the defrosted hamburgers and chips which was what most people ate around there .
25 But it was her burgah , her mask , which was startling .
26 But it was her house and when it is your own you are incredibly proud of it . ’
27 The court might be in a foreign country , there to try a citizen of yet a third nation , but it was her element and she was relieved to be back in it , even though she could take no active part in the trial .
28 I thought it might be loud for her , there between close walls , but it was her wish .
29 But it was her soul that was sans pareil .
30 There was an urgency about the way he moved which caught Alice 's attention , but it was her husband who spoke first .
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