Example sentences of "but [pron] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some local societies which had previously formed branches of that organisation may have survived as benefit clubs but nothing of substance is known about these , nor about such non-affiliated organisations as the Liverpool based British Mariner 's Association which in 1857 was to be found at 6 , Columbian Buildings at that port .
2 But nothing of course would induce me to make a miserable thing out of you and a fool of myself .
3 Bede has much to say about Sigeberht 's Christian patronage within his kingdom ( HE 111 , 18 ) but nothing of Ecgric 's , and the probability is that Ecgric was and remained a pagan .
4 It is sometimes supposed , more extremely , that direct acquaintance or introspection is so uncertain or fallible that not merely no analysis but nothing of value can be got by means of it .
5 We had enough , we had a roof over our heads and we had enough food and things like that , but nothing for luxuries or little extras .
6 On the other hand LOEX has always made material available on loan but nothing for retention .
7 But nothing for Glenn the performer , who they offered on a free transfer two years ago .
8 ‘ Drop in when you 're passing ’ , they say , but nothing but humiliation faces those who do , and see someone else at the desk that was once their 's and find everyone too busy to chat .
9 I knew something about Catalonia but nothing about Andorra , except that it was a tiny independent principality , one of the world 's smallest countries , set high in the eastern Pyrenees .
10 I thought it was interesting as well that the stuff I got from the I and R V with it , was a lot about audio description and the tape and how much it cost and how wonderful this was and it was the first time it had ever been done , but there was nothing , as is always the case , there was nothing actually about what the film was about , it was full of sort of , this is the first time it 's done , but nothing about sort of this is the film about , about this , this is what the story 's about , you know .
11 We were all keen walkers , and enjoyed the challenge of remote places , but nothing in Britain could have prepared us for this close encounter of the furry kind .
12 But nothing in politics is forever and Mrs Thatcher 's luck could run out .
13 The two names she had mentioned are of course rhyming slang for ‘ pissed ’ , but nothing in Rebecca Kraemer 's innocent little face betrayed whether or not she was aware of this .
14 He had large collections of books by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges and Robert Pearce Gillies , which were possibly gifts , but nothing by Keats or Shelley , of whom he probably did not approve .
15 They were n't desperate or anything , but nothing like Dad , and he only had the farm to run .
16 There was supposed to be a ship 's doctor aboard but no-one below decks had set eyes on him .
17 But no-one in Tokyo dares say with any confidence it spells the end of a collapse that has nearly halved the value of Japanese shares since 1989 .
18 ‘ Of course we thought about political problems , but everyone in Israel suffers from the same ones , ’ says Igor , a railway engineer studying at the Mevasseret ulpan .
19 ‘ We realise now we made a mistake but everyone in Cyprus assured us it was a formality , ’ said Mary .
20 But I for Christ 's sake .
21 Mr Deputy Speaker , no I did not know the exact amount of the recommendation but I of course assumed there was likely to be some pay increase and I have made an increase in grant which I am just about to explain to the house which will go some way to meet the requirements of local authorities and there are other assets and resources they have er which I will illustrate later on in my speech .
22 But I of course have the advantage of being one who condemns that degree of maladministration whether it applies in the democratic sector or in the quango sector and unfortunately , unfortunately despite all the corruption , I I 'll give way to the honourable gentleman if I could just er finish the point I 'm making , unfortunately despite all the corruption and all the mismanagement and all the fraud for which the Secretary of State is personally responsible as Secretary of State .
23 In initiating my original purchase I incur an obligation to make a payment in money , but I in turn have to have a source from which I can acquire the money in the first place , and this will , directly or indirectly , put me into at least a temporary relationship with a great variety of people , including the reader who purchased this book from a bookstall and paid out money , some small fraction of which will eventually find its way back to myself .
24 But my In Love body forgets about food and sleep and produces its own adrenalin to keep me flying through every hour .
25 Some of you er may take it amiss if I were to describe you as veterans but my by contrast , this is my first annual public meeting and not just as chairman .
26 Who else but someone at Templecombe could manage that ?
27 The crowd was still there , but someone in uniform was pushing his way through and starting to harangue the singer .
28 But someone like Vera Brittain was only just beginning to explore the problem of ‘ how a married woman without being inordinately rich , can have children and yet maintain her intellectual and spiritual independence ’ in the years following World War I. The small number of married women who pursued an active public life between the wars continued to assume that home and family were part of their natural responsibilities and solved the problem — as women with as diverse political views as Brittain and Violet Markham recognised — through the employment of domestic servants .
29 But nobody at Westminster in recent days has failed to notice Messrs Clarke and Heseltine looking very pleased with themselves .
30 In the 1748 peace settlement it was returned in exchange for Louisbourg , but nobody in India had any doubt that the French had demonstrated their superiority .
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