Example sentences of "'s work is of " in BNC.

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1 It is true that the British Medical Journal wrote favourably about his technique in 1930 : ‘ Mr. Alexander 's work is of first class importance and investigation by the medical profession is imperative . ’
2 It is , moreover , absolutely essential that the Board 's work is of the highest quality , even if this should mean that at one point or another in time the quantity of production may seem spasmodic .
3 The evaluators ' impression of the panel 's work is of a number of talented and committed individuals , representing several interest groups within education and the library services but sharing a common interest in developing effective learning , who have managed to achieve much in the absence of a really effective committee .
4 Professor Bourdieu 's work is of great , great value and is one of my main sources of inspiration for the sociology of culture developed through the pages of this book .
5 Throughout the book , Petrey argues that Austin 's work is of huge importance and that it gives rise to significant insights when applied to the study of literature .
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