Example sentences of "'s [coord] it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Public health officials did all in their power to stop the 1964 pie going ahead ; there was a typhoid epidemic in Aberdeen in the 1960 's and it was found that the last serious epidemic before that had been in Denby Dale in the 1930's , and the infection can linger for many years .
2 because , you come back here and all the Scottish women were vast and they lost their figure 's and it was just sort of almost taken for granted that you have a baby and you loose your figure , but you do n't mind because you 've got the children .
3 He rather took to Bunny , but it was obvious the stage-manager was a crony of Potter 's and it was advisable , this early on , to leave well alone .
4 We were an unruly lot of Lower boys at McNeile 's and it was usually Harry Phillimore who instigated the disturbances we caused .
5 that was in this week 's and it was a stag I have n't got this week 's , not out today
6 Her place is bigger than Victor 's but it was n't built by someone who appreciated rooms .
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