Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 Feelings about housework are a question of the experience of doing housework and one 's reactions to it ; orientation to the housewife role involves the issues of self-concept , gender identity and subcultural norms of feminine role-behaviour .
2 Well it was all about Derek 's attitudes to it and , and , and what he , what he would do if he found people with drugs at Haileybury .
3 We obtain a national picture of crime and people 's attitudes towards it from the three BCS , but for their critics these surveys have emphasised this national picture at the expense of the inner cities , which suffered more than their fair share of crime .
4 If on seeing one of the great rivers of one 's country , the idea awakens in one 's mind that one should immerse all one 's possessions in it , and dedicate them to it , how great is that love !
5 The geographer on the other hand , is primarily interested in how the landscape works , and in man 's interactions with it , and thus recognizes that water is but one of the terrestrial phenomena in the total complex interacting ecosystem in which he is really interested .
6 He waited , remembering Jennifer Morgan 's obvious pain and wondering what her mother 's views about it were .
7 It may not be optimistic in terms of the client 's views of it , but that 's the position we 've taken .
8 The animal seemed to understand Sir John 's words for it lunged towards him with a strangled growl ; its top lip curled , showing teeth as sharp as a row of daggers .
9 The driver tapped it nervously with a forefinger to guide the man 's eyes to it .
10 5.9.10 Within [ 28 ] days of any assignment charge underlease or sub-underlease or any transmission or other devolution relating to the Premises to produce for registration with the Landlord 's solicitor such deed or document [ or a certified copy of it ] and to pay the Landlord 's solicitor 's [ charges of [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] for the registration of every such document or reasonable charges for the registration of every such document such charges not being less than [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] ] [ 5.9.11 Notwithstanding clause 5.9.1 the Tenant may share the occupation of the whole or any part of the Premises with a company which is a member of the same group as the Tenant ( within the meaning of Section 42 of the 1954 Act ) for so long as both companies shall remain members of that group and otherwise than in a manner that transfers or creates a legal estate ] On the one hand , the tenant will wish to deal with the premises in the most cost effective manner , even if this means subletting parts and , on the other hand , the landlord will wish to exercise fairly strict control over alienation , first by ensuring that any assignee is able to pay the rents reserved by the lease and perform the tenant 's obligations under it , and second by ensuring that at the end of the term the landlord is not left with a subtenant of a small part of the premises , which could affect the value of the landlord 's interest in the whole .
11 Value properties , for me , are really there in the world quite apart from a valuer 's responses to it , but have a necessary effect on the will of him who knows of them .
12 What most concerns our subject is the effect on her Scottish audiences of Emily Faithfull 's lectures about it .
13 The grave , on the contrary , has them in the minimal sense of its being merely an emphatic statement of someone 's duties towards it .
14 You even left your father 's keys in it .
15 The reality of life past 60 for most people has changed faster than society 's expectations of it .
16 An accompanying central government preoccupation about local government in this period was the fact that it was becoming an increasing spender ( not surprisingly , in the light of central government 's expectations of it in areas like education , personal social services and housing ) .
17 So symbolically the expectation at T minus one prices at T minus the expectation of T minus two in prices at T minus one i.e. revision in expectations or how our expectations change from one year to a next is dependent upon gamma into the actual price , T minus one minus farmer 's expectations of it okay .
18 In the Rights of United States Nationals in Morocco , it was undisputed that Morocco retained its Statehood even after the Treaty of Fez established the Protectorate and defined France 's powers over it .
19 It is this conundrum that lies at the very heart of the Section 28 debate — not to mention Labour 's problems with it .
20 ‘ I had problems listening to ‘ Eva Luna ’ , ’ Margaret continues , ‘ I do n't know if those problems will translate into the average record buyer 's problems with it . ’
21 In other words , this may be a case in which the children fail the task because their knowledge about a word 's meaning does not match the experimenter 's assumptions about it .
22 When I was making my mind up about the new housing development I also looked into the possibility of putting some money into that project as well , to give me a bigger commitment in the area , which would help allay people 's fears about it all being a get-rich-quick scheme .
23 A range of issues recur throughout Genet 's book ; I concentrate on masculinity only because of its problematic centrality in contemporary considerations of race , homosexuality , and gender more generally , and because Genet 's reflections on it often make other recent writing about it seem by comparison the simplistic and reductive pronouncements of a banal gender politics .
24 For a ducal wedding in Mantua the following year Monteverdi wrote a second opera , Arianna , to a text by Rinuccini , and a dramatic ballet Il Ballo dell' ingrate , but nothing remains of Arianna except the heroine 's justly famous lament which survives not only in its original form but in the composer 's arrangements of it as a five-part madrigal in his Sixth Book ( 1614 ) and as a ‘ Pianto della Madonna ’ for solo voice and continuo in his Selva Morale ( 1640 ) ; it set a remarkable and long-lasting fashion for lamenti .
25 The committee 's report did not strongly support either the UN 's denouncement of the scheme , nor Israel 's arguments for it .
26 We realise , for instance , that there is no ‘ ideal ’ method of birth control and that people 's decisions about it can change at any time .
27 It 's got people I mean it 's got someone 's mums on it .
28 And Leonard 's interests in it were moving from the amateur to the professional .
29 What are the effects of Northern Ireland 's divisions upon it ?
30 The canon may or may not be oppressive : it is not inert , as Pound 's revisions of it prove .
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