Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] so that " in BNC.

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1 This means pressing the child 's chest so that the blood — with its vital oxygen — is pumped around the body and up to the brain .
2 Rescuing a piece of the frill from the dress , Ellie cut it to the shape she wanted , attached it with pins to the back of the headband , laid it down , picked up Terry 's brush , backcombed the other girl 's hair so that it stood further out from her head , giving a similarity of the style she thought she should have , carefully arranged the head-dress , and turned Terry back to the mirror .
3 Overall , I believe Stalin planned Kirov 's murder so that he could continue the purges , with a justifiable excuse to back him up .
4 It is important that the nurse reports her observations of the patient 's condition so that electrolyte disturbances are detected early and treated .
5 They went for him then , Alexander and Donald McLaggan , the Duke 's two sons , dragged him from his father 's side so that his head bounced on the steps , lifted him bleeding , like foresters keeping a dying deer clear of the hounds , and started to carry him down to the river ‘ just to cool him off ’ but Cameron ran and gripped Donald 's shoulder and shouted , ‘ If you injure an officer it is treason on top of sedition , ’ so they carried him back and laid him carefully at his father 's feet .
6 I 'll borrow my brother 's Lambretta so that we can just sit for a whole hour and then I 'll drive you home .
7 A condom ( rubber , sheath , johnnie , French letter ) is a thin rubber sheath which fits over the man 's penis so that semen does not penetrate the woman 's vagina or anus during penetrative sex .
8 Tony felt that one important factor had been the change in his father 's attitude so that he now seemed to understand how he felt .
9 The summer evenings were getting shorter and she was lighting the wick of the lamp on her husband 's desk so that he could see to write his sermon .
10 As the cars lined up on the grid , Andretti on pole , Hunt alongside him , Pete Lyons wrote a wonderful paragraph which said it all : the mechanics drilling holes in Hunt 's visor so that he could see in the mist .
11 Sunlight reflected from a window among the palm trees to lance a sliver of dazzling light at our cockpit , then the reflection was gone and we were at sea level , engines screaming , and I fumbled for the camera , prayed it had not broken when it fell from the ceiling , and took another picture just before Maggot lifted the aircraft 's nose so that we swooped up and over the palm trees that edged the beach .
12 When we came out of the Clerecia , after dipping hands in the holy water stoup and placing a drop on each other 's brows , as we had seen the novios and novias do ( the boy on entering a church would dip his hand in the water and transfer a drop to his fiancée 's fingertip so that they could cross themselves in unison ) , we would go into La Casa de las Conchas next to the Clerecia , with elaborate wrought-iron window-grilles and its tranquil courtyard , and sit there quietly for a while , thinking of the next poem , or of the one we were working on .
13 The industrial buyer is therefore acutely aware that he or she is building-in , or using , someone else 's product so that the final customer 's demands can be met .
14 to shape Bill 's behaviour so that he is positive and helpful .
15 She asked the shopkeeper 's name so that she would know to whom to send her servant .
16 For a long time it has been known that heavy drinking during pregnancy can badly affect a baby 's development so that when it is born , its face and head are deformed and it is mentally backward .
17 And he launched a great , cracking blow at Finn 's head so that Finn reeled and staggered , clutching the bannisters for support .
18 ‘ Sam 's going to a new school , ’ Bella said , and time was oddly foreshortened in Albert 's head so that two or three minutes of silence passed between them and he thought it only a second .
19 Elsie 's wall so that the water does n't come down here , down the wall what you need to do is put the , lead sheeting chipping out from the , the block , chip , chip into the , the rendering , put lead sheeting into it , cement the rendering back in again
20 He installed me in the base-camp , an old redbrick gardener 's cottage with roses climbing up the side , offered me the keys to the crew bus so that I could pick up something to eat in nearby Worksop , and even had the foresight to take a pint of milk from the warden 's fridge so that I 'd be able to make a cup of coffee in the morning .
21 And it was pink paper and at the top it had space for your parent 's signature so that when you 've done the work your parents had
22 To make matters worse it was generally believed that the spirit of the child would remain in the body of the mother , and so for three days after the actual birth the mother had to sit by a wood and bamboo fire and sweat out the child 's spirit so that the child should be completed and the mother freed from what was now an alien spirit inside her .
23 The familiar Fairy Queen editions — Shedlock 's original Purcell Society edition , and Anthony Lewis 's revised version — rearrange Purcell 's music so that it follows the 1692 quarto order .
24 The six-storey warehouses were designed by Telford to stand by the water 's edge so that goods could be moved by crane straight from ship to warehouse without the double handling usual in docks of the time .
25 The managers could have improved motivation by printing target sheets or graphs of the store 's performance so that employees had something to aim for .
26 ‘ I know what their intentions are , which are to enhance the individual 's life so that collectively we are all enhanced — to try to do stuff out of the mould of the old politics , which the three main parties are dealing with .
27 A doctor , Alvarez was alleged to have participated in the 1985 torture and murder of DEA agent Enrique Camarena-Salazar by helping to prolong the agent 's life so that the drug-traffickers who had captured him could continue to interrogate him .
28 This learning will be related to two other areas of the student 's life so that transferability of the process skills involved in the module can be realised and accentuated .
29 After taking a series of measurements I put a numbered ring on each bird 's leg so that if one came to grief and was picked up at some time in the future , its identity could be established .
30 5 The defender controls the attacker 's descent so that his opponent is placed directly in front of him .
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