Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 If deaf people 's link to the hearing world and to the information distributed by the hearing world is faulty , then unless they have recourse to a second hearing person who can act as a check they will be unaware of the faults of the first hearing signer .
2 The EIG was at the centre of CAMRA 's response to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
3 Mr Golyadkin 's response to the elopement letter was a two-in-one attempt to assume a chivalric role and reach a lovers ' destination .
4 Her assumptions are broadly Crocean ; value appeared in the individual 's response to the particular work , but should not be erected into hierarchies , and the reader should cultivate ‘ the receptiveness and disinterestedness which are the conditions of aesthetic experience . ’
5 Ours currently extol the virtues of Britain 's response to the French Revolution ( £5 ) , remind us of our traditional relationship with Russia ( £10 ) , the danger implicit in teenage romance ( £20 ) and the importance of our architectural heritage ( £50 ) .
6 The fishermen 's response to the crisis will become clearer this week .
7 Mr Hurd 's response to the debate on law and order , always a difficult test for Conservative Home Secretaries , was markedly well received and ended to a standing ovation .
8 At this stage , the National for Scotland 's response to the CCS decision is unknown .
9 After outlining Washington 's response to the recent changes in Eastern Europe , the Secretary of State , Mr James Baker , made an unscheduled visit to East Germany where he held talks with the new Prime Minister , Mr Hans Modrow .
10 But while pleased , Mr Elton was scathing about Trade Secretary Nicholas Ridley 's response to the Ombudsman 's report to which the Government refused to accept responsibility for the affair .
11 Germany 's response to the Gulf war so far has been a week of hand-wringing and of big , mainly anti-American demonstrations .
12 One may suppose that such was the genesis of C.S. Lewis 's sad comment on his step-children 's response to the death of his wife :
13 The Labour Party 's response to the Spanish Civil War was clearly more humanitarian than political .
14 In one sense , this can be read as the Eastern District 's response to the Ashby Committee 's vote of confidence in the WEA little more than three years before .
15 Enid 's response to the ‘ Coping with Depression ’ article was very positive , and this is usually predictive of a good response to counselling in the long term ( Fennell and Teasdale , 1987 ) .
16 Leapor 's response to the discomforts of agricultural labourers must be approached at different levels .
18 16.51 At age 7 , the pupil 's response to the SAT might be mainly but not exclusively oral .
19 The Government 's response to the TGAT recommendations , given in the Parliamentary statement by the Secretary of State for Education and Science on 7 June 1988 , is set out in appendix 4 .
20 Nowhere had a traditional culture 's response to the Western world been so completely reflected in the life of its railways and stations .
21 The government 's response to the problem of teacher shortages was to launch new kinds of teacher training programmes .
22 The government 's response to the 1981 report of the Property Advisory Group .
23 The City Action Teams ' ( CATS ) origins lie in the government 's response to the 1981 riots in Liverpool .
24 The researchers looked at the amplitude of the brain-waves and the latency of the brain 's response to the stimulus .
25 As well as providing a useful way of looking at people 's response to the Earth through the physical structures which have survived , and as a way of interpreting legend , the Spectrum of Response is also a framework into which we can fit our own relationship to the landscape .
26 Television 's response to the struggle around Clause 28 reflected the status the campaign achieved in the political arena .
27 Thereafter the choice of acupuncture , homoeopathic or Bach remedies , neural therapy , hypnotherapy , ego-strengthening or whatever will very much depend on what the background of the illness appears to be and on the patient 's response to the chosen therapy .
28 Instead , management 's response to the de-skilling effects of the new technology was to introduce a system of job rotation .
29 The novice flyer will normally require that the model 's response to the transmitter is at a minimum , to avoid any tendency to overcontrol , while the gyro has as much effect as possible to help him during the learning process .
30 the government 's response to the decline and prospects for the future ;
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