Example sentences of "she came [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She came ashore near Ballycastle Quay and was asked to help people stranded in the central part of the town , approximately a mile inland .
2 But I , I liked the the first outfit she came on with that sash wrapped round her
3 Sandra Peden , her that works in the Co-operative she 's a Gold Medallist in Elocution you know , well wait till I tell you she came on in a long Laura Ashley nightdress carrying a Wee Willie Winkie candlestick with wee pink bedsocks and a matching pompom hat and did Holy Willie 's Prayer .
4 She came here as a guest , then offered a helping hand in an emergency . ’
5 ‘ Bess Halidon , your mother , gave me proof of it when she came here on the day prior to her death and asked that you be found employment . ’
6 But she came here to my care .
7 She came through on weekends , the smirk of the city still upon her face , wearing opal rings always cool to the touch , and highly glossed lips of mauve .
8 She came through into the sitting-room where I was nursing a martini .
9 That victory followed on from success in the Dewhurst International in March , where she came through from being a reserve qualifier to reach the semi-finals .
10 She came tentatively into the house , as warm and gentle as anything , and she took Dad out to the car .
11 She came round to his chair and put her big arms around his neck , aware of what her flesh would feel like on his skin and at the same time ashamed to be self-conscious .
12 She came round on Tuesday for my hamper money and she said , everything was cos , I said I 'd pay her monthly and she turned up and I said , I thought I was paying you monthly ?
13 so I went in to pull them out , then I rang her rang her wee fella , she came round on Friday night and collected them sorry she collected them and she could n't get them back to , till the Tuesday , Tuesday .
14 but Julia said to me before she came round with Hayden she said er , cos her mum and dad are still there , not her mum and dad , her mum and step dad are still there , they 're only giving them forty pounds for nine weeks , forty pounds towards the mortgage like you know , been there since after Christmas and erm , anyway she said ooh she said , Steve said er , that 's her husband , said to me ooh is n't Emily well mannered she said , she does n't walk in the house , she waits in the doorstep you know
15 She came round for dinner one evening .
16 ‘ I 'll never believe he done it , ’ said Mrs Flaherty , when she came round for a cup of tea and a slice of the action , ‘ not if he 's convicted by a dozen juries , and do n't tell me he 'll get a fair trial in the current climate of opinion , not unless they pick twelve men the same size and true .
17 However , it was not until she came round from behind the reception desk that I realised how huge she was .
18 cooking the tea , I remember it was fish fingers and chips I was doing and er the dam lights all went out , you were only little and erm Lynsey er , she came round from next door because she started cooking her chips
19 When she came round after the anaesthetic the first thing she says to the nurse is , Well , was I or was n't I ?
20 She came away from the window and stood in front of me .
21 She came over to him , by which time he was in too much of a haze even to recognize her .
22 She came over to America to promote her book pretending to be royal and it is all rubbish .
23 Then she came over to where he was kneeling by the fire and put her arms round him from behind and pressed her cheek against his .
24 She came over to me and rested her hands on my shoulders .
25 She came over to me one night and she asked me for a lift .
26 As she came over to our table I was amazed at the change in her .
27 After a while she came over to Tallis and bent down to peer at the human .
28 sitting in the drive , last week she came over to , I said .
29 Occasionally , when she came over from England with Neil , they 'd go out and take a few pigeons on a Sunday morning , but his heart was n't in it .
30 And she came over after
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